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IVC Evidensia
Tammisto Veterinary Hospital
Minna Rinkinen graduated from the College of Veterinary Medicine, Helsinki at 1994. She completed her national specialization of Small Animal Diseases in 2001. Year 2004 she defended her thesis about probiotics and intestinal mucosal immunology of dogs. Since 2007 she has been an adjunct professor of Small Animal Medicine at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Helsinki. Minna has a long experience in private small animal practice, and she is also an appreciated speaker in CE events. She has a clinical interest in small animal gastroenterology and clinical nutrition. Currently she works most of the week as a Senior Nutrition Advisor for Evidensia Finland, but sees patients, too (mostly GI referral cases) . Minna has devoted her time to veterinary medicine outside the clinical work, too. She is a long-term board member and a past president of the Finnish Association of Veterinary Practitioners and Finland’s WSAVA representative. She is currently a member of WSAVA Global Nutrition Committee..
Clinica Veterinaria Vet Life
Dedicado a Cirugía veterinaria desde el 2003, profesor de clínico quirúrgica Universidad Ricardo Palma, Profesor en post Grado de la Universidad Científica del Sur expositor en congresos nacionales y internacionales, consultor en diversas clínicas referente a consultas quirúrgicas, miembro de Amveppa.
Dr. Robertson graduated from the University of Glasgow in Scotland. She spent time as a surgery intern followed by specialized training in anesthesia and analgesia including a PhD at Bristol University (United Kingdom). She is board certified in anesthesia and in animal welfare in the USA and Europe and holds a certificate in small animal acupuncture. She has been a faculty member at the University of Saskatchewan, Michigan State University, and the University of Florida. She spent 2 years as an assistant director in the division of Animal Welfare at the American Veterinary Medical Association. In 2014 she completed her graduate certificate in Shelter Medicine at the University of Florida. In 2019 she received her certification as a Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine Palliative and End-of-Life practitioner by the Chi Institute of Chinese Medicine. She has published widely on the recognition and alleviation of acute pain in cats. Currently she is the senior medical director of Lap of Love Veterinary Hospice, a large network of veterinarians dedicated to end-of-life care and in-home euthanasia throughout the USA. Dr Robertson is also a courtesy Professor in the Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. She continues to volunteer at community cat clinics and High-Volume High Quality Spay and Neuter Programs.
University of Padova, Italy
Animal medicine, Production and Health
Stefano Romagnoli graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Pisa in 1982 and then was a Fulbright Fellow at the University of Minnesota, where he completed a Master of Science Degree in Theriogenology in 1986. He then returned to Italy, got his PhD (1987) and became an Assistant Professor (1987) and then Associate Professor (1991) at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Pisa, and joined the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Padova as a Full Professor in January 2001. He is a Diplomate of the European College of Animal Reproduction, has published 66 papers in refereed journals and more than 300 papers in total. His research interests have focused on small animal reproduction for the last 30 years with a special focus on reproduction in cats, as he has served as President of the Italian Feline Practitioners Association (1993-1999) and President of the European Society of Feline Medicine (2000-2006). He has also been Secretary and then President of the European Board of Veterinary Specialisation (EBVS, 2004-2008 and 2008-2010, respectively), President of the European College of Animal Reproduction (2011-2014)
Paulista University
Veterinary Medicine
Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas
DVM with more than 20 years of experience in small animal veterinary clinic. Director of the School of Veterinary Medicine UPC (Peru) and member of the council of the Veterinary Medical College of Peru
Veterinaria Rubio
Médico Veterinario, graduada de la UNMSM, estudios de especialidad en medicina felina, Pasantías en clínicas exclusivas de medicina felina en EE. UU, Canadá, Brasil. Pasantía el en laboratorio de Patología clínica de la Universidad de Florida, EE UU, en la clínica médica veterinaria de la U. Texas AM EE UU y de la U, de Sao Paulo, Brasil. Autora de diferentes capítulos en libros de medicina interna veterinaria y del libro Manual Práctico de medicina felina (Editorial Intermédica). Profesora universitaria y en diferentes cursos y congresos de América Latina.
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University of Warmia and Mazury
Department of Internal Diseases with Clinics