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Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI)
Steven Feldman is the President of the Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI). As the leader of the only research organization focused solely on the human-animal bond, he has developed significant expertise in communicating the science of human-animal interaction and its practical application in society. Steven serves as liaison to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Steering Committee on Human-Animal Interaction, developing resources to help veterinarians strengthen the human-animal bond. He is also a co-author of the Handbook on Animal-Assisted Therapy. He is an experienced non-profit strategist and coalition builder with a deep understanding of the policy-making process. Prior to joining HABRI, Steven helped lead the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, developing expertise in wildlife conservation and animal welfare. Prior to this, he worked at Powell Tate, a leading public affairs firm, where he served as a counselor to many Fortune 500 companies. He also served as a staff member in the United States Senate. With this combination of skills, Steven works to share his knowledge of the human-animal bond and strengthen the role of pets in our lives. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in International Affairs and a Master’s Degree in Political Management from The George Washington University.
Catholic University of Valencia (Spain) and The Ralph Referral Hospital (UK)
Elena graduated from the University of Zaragoza (Spain) and shortly after moved to the United Kingdom to complete a rotating internship. She then completed a postgraduate course in the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2002 and obtained her RCVS Certificate in Ophthalmology in 2005. After working a few years exclusively in ophthalmology, she enrolled a European residency program in Ophthalmology at Dick White Referrals in 2016 and she obtained her European Diploma in 2021. She moved back to Spain in 2020 to start working at the Small Animal Hospital of the Catholic University of Valencia. She is currently The Head of Ophthalmology at the University, the Ophthalmology Programme Coordinator at the BSAVA and the Director of Education at Panacea-Vet. She also works as a visiting ophthalmologist at The Ralph Referral Hospital in the United Kingdom.
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Animal Medicine and Surgery
Lluís Ferrer obtained his DVM degree at the University of Zaragoza - Spain and a PhD at the Veterinary School of Hannover (Germany) in 1985. In 1994 was Board-Certified Dermatologist by the European College of Veterinary Dermatology. Since 1986 has been lecturing Pathology and Dermatology at the Veterinary School of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain). Among other topics, his investigations have been focused on cutaneous infections (canine leishmaniosis, demodicosis, staphylococcal pyoderma), canine atopic dermatitis, canine perianal furunculosis and on the genetic background of skin diseases.
CANIS Veterinary Hospital
Neurology Service
CRISTINA FONT NONELL, Dipl ECVN. Graduated from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona-UAB (Spain) in 2007. In 2009 she undertook a Small Animal Medicine and Surgery Internship at the Hospital Clínic Veterinari (UAB). In 2010-2014 she completed a Neurology/Neurosurgery Residency training programme by the European College of Veterinary Neurology (ECVN) at the Hospital Veterinari ARS (Barcelona-Spain). From 2014 to 2015, she worked as a Clinician in Neurology and Neurosurgery at the Hospital Clínic Veterinari UAB. Cristina was awarded the Diploma of the European College of Veterinary Neurology in 2017. Currently she is working in the Neurology Department at the Hospital Veterinari Canis (Girona- Spain). She is the president of the Veterinary Neurology and Neurosurgery Group of the AVEPA Association and member of the European Society of Veterinary Neurology (ESVN).
JOSEP FONT GRAU , DVM, PhD Licenciado en la Universidad de Zaragoza en 1976. Doctor en Medicina Veterinaria por la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona con la Tesis Doctoral sobre Fijación Externa en el año 1992 . Desde que se licenció en la Universidad de Zaragoza, desarrolla su actividad como clínico especialista en pequeños animales en el Hospital Veterinari Canis de Girona, del que es socio-fundador , con especial dedicación a la Traumatología y Ortopédia. Ponente en diferentes Congresos nacionales e internacionales. Autor de varias publicaciones en revistas nacionales e internacionales relacionadas con Traumatología y Ortopedia. Ganador en diferentes años de los Premios Científicos AVEPA -Miquel Luera-. Es miembro fundador del GEVO - Grupo de Especialistas Veterinarios en Traumatología y Ortopedia -. Miembro del Comité Científico del GEVO. Miembro Acreditado en Traumatología y Ortopedia por AVEPA. Colabora como profesor invitado en el Master de “Especialistas en Traumatología y Cirugía Ortopédica” de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Veterinary School. University Autonomous of Barcelona
Small Animal Medicine and Surgery
Jordi Franch graduated from the Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona Veterinary School (SPAIN) in 1988. In 1991 he was appointed Assistant Professor in Surgery/Orthopedics at the Veterinary School of Barcelona where he completed the PhD degree with the study “Scintigraphic, microangiographic and Back scattered scanning electron microscopy assessment of bone healing in fractures treated with external fixations” in 1994. He did several surgical clinical stays in the Veterinary School of Toulouse University (1989-1990); Cambridge University (1995), Colorado State University (1997) and Florida State University (2006). In 1998 he was appointed Associate Professor in Surgery and Orthopedics at the Veterinary School of Barcelona where he is currently working. He has been Editor-in-Chief of the Indexed Spanish Small Animal Veterinary Journal from 2003 to 2010. Currently he is the Past-President of the Small Animal Spanish Veterinary Association (AVEPA) and is Board membre of ESVOT. He has published more than 40 papers in National and International Indexed Journals. His main area of interest is fracture repair and bone healing stimulation by means of development of osteoconductive and osteoinductive synthetic bone grafts