Attendee Person

Radboud University Medical Center
Department of Primary and Community Care
Sabine Oertelt-Prigione MD, PhD, MScPH has been working in the field of sex and gender-sensitive research for the last 15 years. After her medical studies, she investigated the biological basis of sex differences in autoimmunity. She then focused on the role of sex and gender in cardiovascular diseases. Realizing that the implementation of sex and gender-sensitive medicine is a change process that affects organizations as much as researchers, she obtained training as an organizational consultant. With these tools she is now trying to understand how sex and gender-sensitive medicine can be successfully implemented. Her work focuses on the entire implementation arch: What is the status quo in sex and gender-sensitive research? What should be done? What is practically feasible in an everyday clinical and research context? And, finally, how to we institutionalize these practices? She has developed the first international database about sex and gender-specific research, co-editor of one of the first textbooks in the discipline and has conducted the largest study in Europe on gendered harassment in academia. She worked with the EU Commission in the EU expert group “Gendered Innovations”, consults with national governments and funding agencies and advises startups that want to focus on sex and gender-sensitive topics.
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SPMC ICU Complex, 3rd Floor
Internal Medicine
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Centro Hospitalar Baixo Vouga
Medicina Interna
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Hospital de Vila Franca de Xira
Medicina Interna
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Hospital de Braga
Medicina Interna
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Hospital de Braga
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Matosinhos Local Health Unit - Hospital Pedro Hispano
Palliative Care Unit
Sorbonne university
Nutrition - Pitie Salpetriere university hospital
Jean-Michel Oppert, MD, PhD, is Professor of Nutrition at Sorbonne University, Paris, France. He is head of the Department of Nutrition at Pitié-Salpêtrière university hospital (AP-HP) in Paris which is focused on advanced care of patients with severe obesity. His current research interests include the measurement and role of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in health and disease, especially metabolic diseases, and the investigation of urban environmental determinants of physical activity and diet. He has been or is involved in a number of EU and national projects on these topics and is author or co-author of more than 250 papers in the peer-reviewed literature on nutrition, physical activity and obesity. Professor Oppert is past president (2009-12) of the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO).
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Hospital Prof. Doutor Fernando da Fonseca
Internal Medicine
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Sousa Martins Hospital – Local Health Unit.
Service of Internal Medicine
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Hacettepe University
Internal Medicine