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Dr Sabina Nduaguba is an epidemiologist and health outcomes researcher with particular interest in maternal and child health, drug safety and effectiveness, and health disparities. Her research is based on the application of epidemiologic methods to generate real world evidence for clinical decision-making
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Charlie Ngo Bayoi is a PhD female student at the faculty of sciences of the University of Douala. She started her research studies on circadian variation of lymphocytes T-cells and their impact on HIV management and proposed that a period of time for blood collection should be homologated for a better monitoring of HIV patients. Actually, she is working in the field of HIV and malaria in children and their effect on hematologic and immunologic parameters.
Peadiatrician and PID specialist. Working as a Peadiatric Infectious Disease consultant in a tertiary paediatric Hospital and in a regional pretravel clinic.
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Ruud Nijman is a specialty registrar in Paediatric Emergency Medicine, currently working at St. Mary’s hospital. He is an NIHR academic clinical lecturer at Imperial College in the platform Science, with a special interest in diagnostics and clinical decision making in children presenting to emergency departments with acute infections. During the COVID-19 pandemic earlier this year, he was redeployed to work in the paediatric intensive care unit, looking after critically unwell adults with COVID. He originally trained as a medical doctor at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Prior to his move to London in 2013 to work with Prof. Maconochie at Imperial College, he completed his PhD in paediatrics at the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, on the topic of diagnostic strategies for children with fever at risk of serious bacterial infection presenting to emergency care. He also completed an MSc in Clinical Epidemiology at the Netherlands Institute of Health Sciences. He is currently working within the PERFORM and DIAMONDS projects (chief investigator: Prof. Levin, Imperial College): large, multi centre European studies recruiting children with acute infections with the aim to discover and validate new biomarkers to differentiate viral and bacterial infections. In his sparetime, he likes to play field hockey and cricket. During COVID, he set up the EPISODES study; a study looking at children presenting to emergency departments across Europe, recruiting patients from some 50 hospitals in 18 European countries.
My name is Madalena and I'm (recently) 30 years-old. I was born in Portalegre, but I have always studied in Lisboa and I'm now a Paediatric resident in Centro Hospitalar Tondela-Viseu - so we can say I'm a bit of all Portugal. I'm an infectious disease enthusiast!