Riga Stradins University
Psychiatry and Addiction medicine
I am 100% "hand on psychiatrist", currently working as full-time psychiatrist in out-patient center, then in the evenings as a consultant psychiatrist in liaison psychiatry and at weekends you can find me in psychiatric emergency room- working there. I am active member in Latvian Psychiatric association, also this year I was elected as secretary of Nordic Psychiatric associations. EPA came in my life throughout the section of Prevention of mental disorders and Committee of Education- this is such honor to exchange ideas and work to together with so many bright psychiatrists who I am being referencing for years. For me to be happy: currently I have one more thing to finish- my PhD theses in psychosis research field.

Moderator of 1 Session

Session Type
Tue, 07.06.2022
Session Time
10:00 - 11:30
Hall D
Session Description
Organised by the EPA Section on Prevention of Mental Disorders. During the last decades there has been a wide discussion in scientific literature about the effectiveness of early intervention, with many aspects where early intervention has been shown to be a more effective treatment option than standard care. The core philosophy of early intervention treatment includes multi-professional teamwork. In this workshop we aimed to present examples from different countries with different health care systems and different resources for mental health care- how they manage to build and integrate early intervention teamwork. The speakers will guide the audience through their journey of clinical and organizational work with patients with first-episode psychosis. During the symposium we will cover treatment for all important stages of first-episode psychosis: from early detection to treatment in acute psychosis wards, and afterwards follow-up and prevention from second psychosis in early psychosis programs in community or out-patient care. At the end of the workshop there will be time for educational, motivational, and encouraging discussions with specialists who’s work includes clinical work and who have gained excellent experience which is complimented with active work in psychosis research.
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Presenter of 1 Presentation