Welcome to the EPA 2021 Interactive Programme

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The congress will officially run on Central European Summer Time (CEST)

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75 Sessions
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Mon, 12.04.2021
Session Time
10:00 - 11:30
Channel 3
Session Description
Proposed by the EPA section on Addictive Behaviours - Rational strategies for the transfer of innovative drug targets from animal lab to clinical routine are still scarce in research and treatment of alcohol addiction. Drug development has been shown to be successful if innovative pathways are targeted in pre-clinical studies, but only if it is additionally accompanied by an innovative clinical treatment regime. In order to foster discussion and to define requirements regarding treatment targets, translationally applicable read-outs, and useful interventions we have assembled an expert group that will introduce novel concepts of innovative treatment targets and recent treatment strategies in alcohol-use disorders. Anne R Lingford-Hughes will present an overview on the neurobiological basis of alcohol addiction and principles of relapse prevention treatment; especially those that aim to reduce reward anticipation. The role of oxytocin neurotransmitter systems in addictive behaviour with a focus on recent imaging genetics studies will be the topic of the talk of Patrick Bach in order to define it as a potential future treatment target. Lofti Khemiri agreed to present data of a recently finished project focussing on the role of cognitive function in relapse prevention and associated pharmacological treatment options. At least Benjamin Rolland presents data on the experiences with baclofen in AUD treatment in France highlighting the difficult interpenetration between evidence-based medicine on the one hand, and on-the-ground practice on the other hand.
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Live, Section
Tue, 13.04.2021
Session Time
08:00 - 09:30
Channel 1
Session Description
This will be an activity of EPA Council of National Psychiatric Associations (NPAs). Speakers from four different European countries will cover four different areas to evaluate the influence and consequences of COVID-19 pandemic in different European countries: patients and mental health services; organizational issues and associations' role under extraordinary conditions; ethical issues in different aspects; and impact on research, training and other academic activities. All four speakers will use data and experiences from their countries and their Associations, and try to elaborate issues with local, European and global perspectives. This symposium will target to delineate experiences and make projections for the future about psychiatry, national institutions including National Psychiatric Associations and European Psychiatric Association.
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EPA Course
Sun, 11.04.2021
Session Time
08:00 - 10:00
Courses Hall A
Session Description
Proposed by the EPA Section on Old Age Psychiatry - Depression is the most frequent mental disorder also in the elderly population and it is soften unrecognized and untreated. Compared to other age groups, there are differences in risk factors, symptomatology, comorbidity, differential diagnosis and management. In the course epidemiology and risk factors will be presented. Diagnosis will be discussed with special focus on the differential diagnosis to grief, dementia and anxiety disorders. Sleep problems and suicidality will deserve special attention. Regarding therapy relevant modifications of drug therapy and psychological therapies will be presented. The different types of psychotherapy for elderly (schema based therapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy) will be discussed. We also discuss neuromodulation therapies, ECT, and exercise. The management in the presence of physical disability or in special settings requires tailored interventions. Case vignettes regarding diagnosis and therapy are discussed.
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Live, Section, Ticket Required
EPA Course
Sat, 10.04.2021
Session Time
14:00 - 16:00
Courses Hall C
Session Description
Proposed by the EPA Section on Old Age Psychiatry -Prescribing Psychotropics can often be challenging in old age because of several aging-specific parameters (changes in pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics, frequent polypharmacy increasing the risk of drug interactions and iatrogeny, higher sensitivity to side effects, frequent comorbidities). In addition, clinical presentations of psychiatric disorders differ in old age. Moreover, psychiatric symptoms in old age can be more easily misidentified because of the importance of psycho-somatic comorbidities as well as the neurocognitive disorders that could likely lead to anosognosia, lack of insight and difficulties in verbal expression. The course will present the following aspects: -presentation of the main psychiatric domains and diseases in old age and their specificities compared to younger adults (recent classifications and diagnostic criteria) -presentation of behavioral and psychologic symptoms associated to neurocognitive disorders and psycho-somatic comorbidities -specificities and indications of psychotropics in old age: pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics, drug interactions, dosage, side effects, prescribing duration, indications, managing with the lack of international guidelines in the daily practice -presentation of non pharmacological therapeutic : Information and Communication Technologies (serious gaming, virtual reality, connected devices), other therapies (CBT, music therapy, olfactotherapy..)
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Live, Section, Ticket Required, Sessions with Voting
Mental Health Policy
Sun, 11.04.2021
Session Time
12:00 - 13:00
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Mon, 12.04.2021
Session Time
12:00 - 13:00
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Tue, 13.04.2021
Session Time
14:00 - 15:00
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Mon, 12.04.2021
Session Time
10:00 - 11:30
Channel 1
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Sun, 11.04.2021
Session Time
08:00 - 09:30
Channel 2
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Tue, 13.04.2021
Session Time
15:30 - 16:15
Channel 1
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