Diego Palao Vidal, Spain

Parc Tauli-University Hospital Mental Health

Presenter of 3 Presentations

e-Poster Presentations 08:00 - 08:03

Family factors related to suicidal behavior in a sample of adolescents - EPP1223



Un funcionamiento familiar negativo (conflicto familiar, baja cohesión, estilo de apego inseguro o una crianza negativa) se conoce como un fuerte factor de riesgo para presentar un comportamiento suicida en la adolescencia.


El objetivo principal del estudio es evaluar los perfiles familiares que están relacionados con un mayor riesgo de conducta suicida en adolescentes. Como objetivo secundario, nos gustaría encontrar posibles factores protectores que reduzcan el riesgo de cometer comportamientos suicidas.


Se llevará a cabo un estudio observacional naturalista que recoge datos de adolescentes (12-17 años) ingresados ​​en el Hospital Sant Joan de Déu d'Esplugues debido a conductas suicidas desde mayo de 2018 hasta octubre de 2019. Datos sociodemográficos y clínicos, así como Las características familiares se recopilarán de la entrevista clínica y de los cuestionarios de relación familiar rellenados por el adolescente.


Los resultados preliminares de una muestra adolescente de 44 sujetos (edad media 15'3 años, 80% mujeres) muestran los siguientes resultados:

- FACES P20 (Escala de evaluación de adaptabilidad y cohesión familiar): adaptación CAÓTICA 40'9%, cohesión DESACTIVADA 70'5%

- PBI (Instrumento de vinculación parental): crianza NEGLIGENTE (38'6%)

- CAMI-R (Cartes pour les Modèles Individuels de Relation, versión corta): INSECURE accesorio 60%, EVITANTE 45% y AMBIVALENT 15%


En nuestra muestra de adolescentes con conducta suicida, percibieron sus relaciones familiares como predominantemente DESAGREGADAS, CAÓTICAS, NEGLIGENTES y con un apego INSEGURO. Estas relaciones familiares se describen en la literatura como una causa de trastornos mentales y, en consecuencia, como un factor de riesgo para los comportamientos suicidas.

Mental Health Policy 08:00 - 08:00

Effectiveness of Suicide Prevention Programs at Emergencies and Community Mental Health Services - S089

Mental Health Policy


Abstract Body

Suicide is the leading cause of avoidable death worldwide (more than 58,000 deaths/year in Europe). People who attempts suicide are at high risk of further repetitions during the following year (12-30%). The lack of continuity of care following an acute suicide episode has been suggested as one of the major obstacles to effectively prevent suicide re-attempts. Secondary prevention programs have been developed to decrease the likelihood of a suicide re-attempt in patients at elevated risk. The European Alliance Against Depression (EAAD) project, showed a decrease in suicidal behavior. Since 2004, we have adapted the 4-level program of the EAAD in a catchment area of about 400.000 inhabitants A telephone post-attempt follow-up during 12 months and a stepped care model for depressed patients between Primary Care and Community Mental Health Centers were implemented. The program ensures the patient’s engagement with the health care system, combining immediate face to face specialized care with telephone management, inclouding a clear action pathway to shorten the time frame between the participant’s first contact with the health care system and delivery of specialized mental care. The evolution of the suicide and suicide attempts indexes were analyzed as main result of the program. Since 2014, this program has been generalized to the whole 7,5 M people Autonomous Community of Catalonia (Spain) with the name of Catalonia Suicide Risc Code (CSRC). We will discuss the difficulties in the implementation process in order to determine the barriers in the real effectiveness of this practical and efficient suicide prevention program.
