Heather Bacon, United Kingdom

University of Edinburgh Animal welfare
Dr Heather Bacon OBE BSc (Hons), BVSc, CertZooMed MRCVS Heather.Bacon@ed.ac.uk Heather is a veterinarian at the University of Edinburgh. Heather has worked internationally on veterinary education and animal welfare projects for 15 years. She is responsible for developing and teaching veterinary and postgraduate students at the University of Edinburgh in animal welfare, behaviour, and veterinary ethics. Additionally, she works with many charities, veterinary, and political organisations to develop veterinary educational initiatives around the world, with a focus on improving the welfare of captive and free-ranging wildlife, and free-roaming dogs. Heather also delivers UK zookeeper training courses in animal health, behaviour and welfare. Previously, she worked as the Veterinary Director at the Animals Asia Foundation, an NGO working to end the trade in bear bile across Asia. Heather graduated from the University of Bristol with a degree in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, and the University of Liverpool with a degree in Conservation medicine. In 2021 Heather was awarded an OBE from the UK government for services to veterinary education and animal welfare.

Moderator of 2 Sessions

WSAVA-mandated or sponsored session
Session Type
WSAVA-mandated or sponsored session
Hall 03
22.03.2021, Monday
Session Time
13:00 - 14:45
WSAVA-mandated or sponsored session
Session Type
WSAVA-mandated or sponsored session
Hall 03
22.03.2021, Monday
Session Time
15:15 - 17:00

Presenter of 4 Presentations

Live Q&A

Session Type
WSAVA-mandated or sponsored session
22.03.2021, Monday
Session Time
15:15 - 17:00
Hall 03
Lecture Time
16:47 - 17:00


Session Type
WSAVA-mandated or sponsored session
22.03.2021, Monday
Session Time
13:00 - 14:45
Hall 03
Lecture Time
13:00 - 13:02


Session Type
WSAVA-mandated or sponsored session
22.03.2021, Monday
Session Time
15:15 - 17:00
Hall 03
Lecture Time
15:15 - 15:17

Live Q&A

Session Type
WSAVA-mandated or sponsored session
22.03.2021, Monday
Session Time
13:00 - 14:45
Hall 03
Lecture Time
14:32 - 14:45