Madeline Bernstein, United States of America

spcaLA President
Madeline Bernstein is the President of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Los Angeles (spcaLA). A frequent speaker and commentator on issues relating to animal welfare, ethics, and law enforcement, she advocates for humane treatment and respect for animals. Bernstein currently serves as the President of the Board of Directors for the California Animal Welfare Association (CalAnimals). CalAnimals is the unified voice of California's animal care and control agencies, SPCAs, humane societies and other animal welfare organizations. Bernstein is also an advisory committee member for several organizations, including the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys Animal Cruelty Division; California Department of Fish and Wildlife; and the California Science Center exhibit, A Dogs’ Tail and related IMAX film. Bernstein was the first Distinguished Visiting Animal Advocate for The Center for Animal Law Studies at Lewis & Clark College where she returned as a visiting professor. Bernstein has written numerous articles including, “Preventing Shelter Liability with Adoption Contracts,” and the co-authored Law Review article, “Time to Feed the Evidence.” Her blog, This Bitch Craves Attention: Animal Welfare in Los Angeles won the CBS People’s Choice Award in 2011 and is often reprinted in various media. Bernstein is the author of the book Designer Dogs: An Exposé, release date October of 2018 by Apollo Publishers. Ms. Bernstein has been interviewed as an expert in her field by many media outlets including CNN, MSNBC, The Wall Street Journal, The Daily Show, Dr. Phil, Inside Edition, Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Lawyer, and numerous other national and local television, radio, newspapers, and magazines. She is a prominent voice in the 2017 documentary film, We Are One. The film, narrated by Forrest Whitaker, which features Jimmy Carter, Maneka Gandhi, Harold Ramis, and activists, examines the relationship between humans, animals, and the environment. Prior to joining spcaLA, Bernstein was a Deputy Inspector General/Advocate for the New York City Department of Ports and Terminals, and a former Assistant District Attorney for the Bronx District Attorney's Office. Bernstein is a graduate of the State University of New York at Buffalo, Faculty of Law and Jurisprudence. She received an Honors Diploma from Columbia University and a Scholastic Award in Talmudic Law from the Jewish Theological Seminary of New York. In 2012, she was the recipient of the Boeing Crystal Vision Award.

Presenter of 5 Presentations

Live Q&A

Session Type
WSAVA-mandated or sponsored session
22.03.2021, Monday
Session Time
15:15 - 17:00
Hall 03
Lecture Time
16:47 - 17:00

Designer Dogs and the Criminal Underworld of Crossbreeding

Session Type
WSAVA-mandated or sponsored session
22.03.2021, Monday
Session Time
15:15 - 17:00
Hall 03
Lecture Time
15:17 - 16:02

Live Q&A

Session Type
WSAVA-mandated or sponsored session
22.03.2021, Monday
Session Time
13:00 - 14:45
Hall 03
Lecture Time
14:32 - 14:45

One welfare: the interconnections between animal cruelty, the environment, war and power

Session Type
WSAVA-mandated or sponsored session
22.03.2021, Monday
Session Time
13:00 - 14:45
Hall 03
Lecture Time
13:47 - 14:32

`Instagram worthy` puppies vs. shelter mutts: How designer dogs are affecting our dog population and welfare.

Session Type
WSAVA-mandated or sponsored session
22.03.2021, Monday
Session Time
15:15 - 17:00
Hall 03
Lecture Time
16:02 - 16:47