Congrēs Inc.

Author Of 1 Presentation

Nagasaki 8A.6-8B.6 - Shifting consumer trends and tailoring your event experience: are you giving your event attendees what they really want? (ID 54) 11:20 - 12:00

8B.6 - Live regional panel: consumer choice and the event experience



Conducted by the MICE innovation society When the pandemic started, some industry key players launched the MICE innovation society. Every two weeks, they have been conducted short pitch presentations on both "needs" and "sees" in event management technology. In this session, the society will review key motivations, shifts and trends of purchasing habits and consumer tendencies, during the pandemic. The audience will gain insights for adapting their sales and marketing strategies to the tastes of the modern consumer when it comes to event experiences

Presenter of 1 Presentation

Nagasaki 8A.6-8B.6 - Shifting consumer trends and tailoring your event experience: are you giving your event attendees what they really want? (ID 54) 11:20 - 12:00

8B.6 - Live regional panel: consumer choice and the event experience



Conducted by the MICE innovation society When the pandemic started, some industry key players launched the MICE innovation society. Every two weeks, they have been conducted short pitch presentations on both "needs" and "sees" in event management technology. In this session, the society will review key motivations, shifts and trends of purchasing habits and consumer tendencies, during the pandemic. The audience will gain insights for adapting their sales and marketing strategies to the tastes of the modern consumer when it comes to event experiences