University of California, Irvine
Radiation Oncology
One of the main goals of my research program is to advance FLASH radiotherapy from the bench to the clinic. To this end, we have been successful in obtaining NCI funding for a program project grant aimed to characterize this novel irradiation modality that challenges some of the most fundamental tenets in radiobiology. FLASH radiotherapy is able to achieve remarkable improvements in therapeutic gain through ultrahigh dose rate (≥ 100 Gy/s) delivery. My team that includes Marie-Catherine Vozenin at the CHUV in Switzerland, Bill Loo at Stanford University, Peter Maxim at Indiana University and Doug Spitz at the University of Iowa have generated data in support of several mechanisms, of which one involves a mechanism that minimizes radiation-induced oxygen toxicity and exploits the differential redox biology between tumors and normal tissue. While tumor cure is iso-efficient between FLASH and conventional dose rate modalities, FLASH induces transient and radioprotective hypoxia that affords significant sparing of normal tissue injury in the brain (and throughout all other organs analyzed). Collectively, my research strives to generate the requisite data necessary to facilitate the rapid implementation of this innovative irradiation platform, using both electron and X-ray beams, into the clinic.

Moderator of 1 Session

Plenary Sessions
Session Type
Plenary Sessions
Session Time
16:50 - 17:35
Hall 113-114
Session Description
A balloon debate is where a number of speakers present an argument to try to win approval from the audience. The last person in the balloon wins the debate. The idea is based around the idea that a hot air balloon has a puncture which means that it needs to jettison some of those travelling within it if anyone is going to survive. The person presenting the best argument in the balloon debate “survives” by remaining in the balloon.Online attendees can cast their votes via the virtual platform. In-person attendees can vote via the mobile app.
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