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E-Poster - Wednesday, 30 November - 15:10 - 16:10 CET

Station 01: FLASH Modalities: Facilities, Radiation Protection and New Horizons

Station 02: FLASH Mechanisms: In Vitro and In Vivo

Station 03: FLASH in Pre-Clinical and Clinical Settings: QA and Dosimetry, and Clinical Trials
E-Poster - Thursday, 1 December - 15:45 - 16:45 CET

Station 01: FLASH Modalities: QA and Dosimetry 

Station 02: FLASH Modalities: Mathematical models and Physical Chemistry

Station 03: Proton Beam and Heavy Ions: Protons and Spatially Fractionated Radiotherapy
E-Poster - Friday, 2 December - 14:20 - 15:20 CET 

Station 01: Proton Beam and Heavy Ions: NEW HORIZONS

Station 02: FLASH in Pre-Clinical and Clinical Settings: TPS and Proton 

Station 03: Late Breaking Abstracts
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E-Poster Viewing – Please click on the relevant topic below

Radiation Modalities:
ASA01. Which conditions appear to be best for FLASH RT in a) deep seated tumours, b) superficial tumours
ASA02. Quality assurance and real time dosimetry for FLASH RT measurement of FLASH doses, detector systems
ASA03. Facility Overviews; How FLASH RT is delivered: electrons, photons, protons, heavy ions
ASA04. FLASH radiation protection; simulation and measurement for research and clinical treatment
AS0A5. New horizons in FLASH laser driven ions, VHEE etc.
ASB01. Mathematical modelling of the FLASH effects: Monte Carlo and other codes
ASB02. Physico-Chemistry: FLASH chemistry, oxygen contribution, ROS
ASB03. Biology 1 in vitro studies
ASB04. Biology 2 in vivo pre-clinical studies
ASB05. Flash and drug / immune radiation combinations
Flash in the Clinic:
ASC01. QA and dosimetry for the clinic
ASC02. TPS and clinical delivery of FLASH
ASC03. Veterinary studies and trials
ASC04. Human Clinical trials
ASC05. Health Economics for FLASH RT
Spatially Fractionated Radiotherapy (SFRT):
ASD01. Modalities and delivery of spatially fractionated radiotherapy, experimental results
ASD02. Mechanisms: modelling of SFRT; biological mechanisms and experimental studies
ASD03. Taking SFRT into the clinic, QA and dosimetry, treatment planning, patient and veterinary studies
ASD04. Interface between FLASH and SFRT
New Horizons in proton and ion therapy:
ASE01. Pan European studies arising from EU projects for example INSPIRE and HITRiplus
ASE02. Challenges and successes resulting from International or national collaborations in proton and ion therapy
ASE03. Proton therapy