Nicole Ritz (Switzerland)

University Children's Hospital Basel Paediatric Infectious Diseases and Migrant Health Service
Dr. Ritz is a clinician-scientist at the University Children's Hospital Basel (UKBB). She is a paediatirican and infectious diseases specialist trained in Switzerland, South Africa and Australia. She obtained her MD at the University of Berne and her PhD at the University of Melbourne supported by an ESPID fellowship award in 2006. After her return from Australia in 2011 she joined the UKBB where she is working as an infectious diseases specialist. She also leads the Migrant Health and HIV Service at UKBB. Dr. Ritz received her habilitation in paediatrics and infectious diseases in 2015. Since then, she heads the Mycobacterial and Migrant Health Research Laboratory at the Department of Clinical Research of the University of Basel. Her current research focuses on developing novel immunodiagnostic assays for children with tuberculosis and on biomarkers for the diagnosis of respiratory tract infections. The over 15 years of experience in leading and collaborating in research have resulted in over 100 publications with a focus on the immune response of BCG vaccine strains, tuberculosis epidemiology and diagnostics and cytokines as biomarkers. Dr. Ritz is an ESPID member since 2005, has co-organizing the ESPID research masterclass from 2015-2019 and co-chairs the ESPID annual meeting 2021 hosted in Geneva.

Moderator of 2 Sessions

Session Type
Tue, 25.05.2021
Session Time
16:45 - 19:15
The ESPID Show
Session Icon
Live Session, Live TV
Session Type
Fri, 28.05.2021
Session Time
12:00 - 13:30
Hall 04
Session Icon
Pre-Recorded with Live Q&A