Displaying One Session

ESGAR Tutorial Room Capri Level II Wall, Peritoneum, Mesentery
Session Type
ESGAR Tutorial
Thu, 06.06.2019
08:00 - 08:45
Session Level
Level II
Session Topic
Wall, Peritoneum, Mesentery

ET 4.1 - Mesenteric panniculitis and differentials: what every radiologist should know [SINGLE TOPIC]

Presentation Number
ET 4.1


Learning objectives

To learn about the prevalence and clinical significance of mesenteric panniculitis and its association with malignancies
To understand the role of CT in the diagnosis of mesenteric panniculitis
To be familiar with the most common differential diagnoses

ET 4.2 - Mesenteric panniculitis and differentials: what every radiologist should know [SINGLE TOPIC]

Presentation Number
ET 4.2


Learning objectives

To learn about the prevalence and clinical significance of mesenteric panniculitis and its association with malignancies
To understand the role of CT in the diagnosis of mesenteric panniculitis
To be familiar with the most common differential diagnoses