Welcome to the EPA 2021 Interactive Programme

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The congress will officially run on Central European Summer Time (CEST)

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Displaying One Session

EPA Course
Sat, 10.04.2021
Session Time
16:30 - 18:30
Courses Hall C
Session Description
In medical schools we always hear that we are supposed to treat the patient, not the disease, but somehow by the time we graduate and become specialists we learn to focus on select aspects of our patient’s conditions and stop seeing the big picture, which includes a variety of health indicators and the determinants of health. We study guidelines and use evidence-based medicine to address symptoms by prescribing medications, using psychotherapeutic approaches, and too often we overlook endocrine disorders, nutrition, lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, sleep disturbances, smoking and substance use. All these factors are underrecognized in current treatment models and this course is intended to bridge this gap and to provide our colleagues with all the tools necessary to provide truly integrated treatments to their patients, which will include nutritional and metabolic assessments, exercise and weight loss prescription, time management and sleep hygiene, behavioral activation and substance use treatments when necessary. We will focus on affective disorders, primarily on depression, but also on anxiety and fibromyalgia as the most prevalent conditions in which lifestyle modification was shown to be effective in scientific literature.
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Live, Ticket Required, Sessions with Voting
Course 07: Lifestyle Modification for Improved Outcomes in Major Psychiatric Disorders (ID 117) No Topic Needed

Lifestyle Modification for Improved Outcomes in Major Psychiatric Disorders

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Live, Ticket Required, Sessions with Voting
Sat, 10.04.2021
Session Time
16:30 - 18:30
Courses Hall C
Lecture Time
16:30 - 18:30