University of Pavia, Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri
Department of Internal Medicine and Therapeutics
After graduation in Medicine, I trained in Rheumatology and completed a PhD at the University of Pavia, italy. During tmy training years, I developed a specific interest on the applications of imaging, in particular musculoskeletal ultrasound, in rheumatic diseases. In this context, my areas of expertise include in particular inflammatory arthritis, siuch as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and crystal-related arthritis. Moreover, I am interested in clinical research on inflammatory arthritis by the use of real world data and evidence-based medicine. I have experience in training in musculoskeletal ultrasound for the applications in rheumatic diseases, as I took part to national and international courses as speaker and supervisor. I am involved in the EULAR online introductory course on musculoskeletal ultrasound as co-convenor.

Presenter of 2 Presentations

Ultrasound Diagnosis of Hand and Wrist Pathology: Pathological Findings of the Hand and Wrist

Session Type
Wed, 15.03.2023
Session Time
13:55 - 18:00
Room Parigi
Session Icon
Lecture Time
17:10 - 17:25

Workshop – Supervised Hands-on Ultrasound Scanning of the Upper and Lower Limb Joints (Healthy Models)