Dr. Stephen Patek is a Principal Engineer at TypeZero – Dexcom, Inc. in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. He received his Bachelor of Science degree at University of Tennessee in electric engineering and then received his PhD at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Systems Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering. Dr. Patek’s expertise is in diabetes digital therapeutics, automated insulin delivery systems, decision support, compartmental models, pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic models, simulation design optimization as well as the methods of model-based signal processing optimization and control, user-centric feedback system design, inverse methods, machine learning, dynamic systems, stochastic modeling. He started his career at the University of Virginia as ns Assistant Professor, Systems and Information Engineering and was promoted to Professor, Systems and Information Engineering in 2017. Dr. Patek continued his career as the Vice President of R&D at TypeZero Technologies, Inc., which was then acquired by Dexcom in August, 2018.

Presenter of 2 Presentations

Bringing Automated Insulin Delivery to the Next Level - Introducing the Next Generation of TypeZero AID (ID 1124)

Lecture Time
15:35 - 15:55
Session Type
Thu, 23.02.2023
Session Time
15:00 - 16:30
Plenary Hall A6