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Displaying One Session

Symposia and bridging sessions On-Demand Channel

Symposia session
Symposia and bridging sessions On-Demand Channel
Session Description
The aim of this session is to provoke discussion about gender inequalities, structural barriers and health disparities, which often leave people living with HIV without accurate information about their social, sexual and reproductive health and rights, without the treatment benefits from the message U=U. U=U is only applicable if a person's viral load is undetectable, which is aspirational at best in many parts of the world with little to no access to optimal treatment and viral load testing.
Symposia session

U=U and women's sexual and reproductive health

Symposia and bridging sessions On-Demand Channel
Symposia session

Withdrawn: U=U, transgender women and sex work

Symposia and bridging sessions On-Demand Channel
Symposia session

U=U and young MSM in the United States

Symposia and bridging sessions On-Demand Channel
Symposia session

U=U amidst Venezuela's humanitarian crisis

Symposia and bridging sessions On-Demand Channel