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Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India
University of Pittsburgh
With a background in biomedical science, I am interested in the clinical application of research in the neurosciences to mitigate obstacles to diagnosis for enhanced, quality patient care.
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University of Malaga
Cell Biology, Genetics and Phisiology
National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health
Dr. Huaibin Cai received his B.S. in Biology in 1991 from Peking University, Beijing, China and his Ph.D. in Neuroscience in 1999 from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. He performed his postdoctoral training in the Division of Neuropathology, Department of Pathology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland. He joined the NIA Laboratory of Neurogenetics as an Investigator in 2003, and was promoted to Senior Investigator in 2011 to head the Transgenics Section.
The Affiliated Suzhou Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School
Director of Neurology Department of Suzhou Science & Technology Town Hospital, Chief Physician, Doctor of Medicine, Postdoctor, Associate Professor, Master's Supervisor, postdoctoral degree of Nanjing Medical University in 2012. Member of International Parkinson's and Movement Disorders Society (MDS),AHA, and editorial board member of Stroke & Vascular Neurology. Major in neuroimaging research and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and cerebrovascular diseases.
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Axxam SpA
iPSC Unit - Molecular Cellular Biology
Bursa Uludag University
Depatment of Physiology
She received Medical Doctor degree from Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty and PhD degree in Medical Physiology from Bursa Uludag University. For three months in 2015, she worked as a researcher in the neurophysiology field at the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology in Poland. She finished her doctorate program in 2018 and began working as a postdoctoral fellow in the Pharmacology Department at Bursa Uludag University Medical Faculty. Afterward, in 2019 she started her career as an academician in Physiology Department and still has been working there. She is particularly interested in neuroscience. She has published research articles on learning and memory, sleep/sleep deprivation, neurodegenerative diseases, and hypoxia/hyperoxia injuries in the neuronal system. Learning and memory, sleep/sleep deprivation, neurodegenerative diseases, and pain physiology are all areas of interest.
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Klinikum rechts der Isar der TU München
Klinik für Neurologie
Case Western Reserve University
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pathology at Case Western Reserve University and Associate Director of the National Prion Disease Pathology Surveillance Center (USA). My primary research focuses on elucidating the molecular basis underlying phenotypic expression in neurodegenerative diseases such as prion diseases (of different subtypes), Alzheimer’s disease and chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Most neurodegenerative disorders are characterized by the co-occurrence of multiple abnormal protein aggregates, thus investigating the reciprocal impact that the two or more pathological proteins have on each other can help advancing the current knowledge on the mechanisms governing multiple proteinopathies. One current project in my lab aims at investigating the molecular properties of co-existing hyperphosphorylated tau and amyloid β in fatal insomnia, a young-onset prion disease with thalamic degeneration and sleep dysfunction.
Université Laval
Faculté de pharmacie
Dr Frederic Calon is a biochemist-pharmacist affiliated with the Faculty of Pharmacy of Université Laval and conducting his research at the CRCHU de Québec, in Canada. His research program focuses on the development of treatments for neurodegenerative diseases. He has extensive expertise with animal models of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD). He also has a long-standing experience performing neuropathological studies on human brain samples, from persons with prevalent afflictions such as Essential tremor (ET), AD and PD. His team has developed a specific niche in the investigation of the blood-brain barrier and the quantification of the transport of various compounds into the brain. Dr Calon has published more than 155 peer-reviewed papers cited more than 14500 citations, an h-index of 65 and extensive media coverage of his work. He has further contributed to various scientific peer review committees and his research team is currently funded by various sources, notably CIHR, FRQS, NSERC, CCNA, FRQNT and JPND. He is also chairman of the biomarker committee of Consortium for the Early Identification of Alzheimer’s Disease (CIMA-Q). Finally, he co-leads the international associated laboratory OptiNutriBrain.
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Currículum vítae Datos Académicos. Licenciatura Médico Cirujano y Partero. Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. 1999-2004 Diplomado Diplomado en Temas Selectos de Geriatría. UNAM. Del 08 Enero al 29 Julio 2022. Diplomado en Docencia Universitaria. UNAM. Fes Zaragoza. Del 20 Enero al 11 Noviembre del 2018. Duración 240 horas. Especialidad Residencia Medicina Familiar avalado por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, con sede UMF 28 Gabriel Mancera DF. 2010-2013. Maestría Maestría en Ciencias Médicas 2015-2018 por parte del Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Maestría en Ciencias de la Salud. Campo: Epidemiología UNAM. 2020-2022. Idiomas Nivel intermediate English. 21 Abril 2022. Experiencia Servicio social posgrado Hospital Chignahuapan. Período del 01 Marzo al 31 Agosto 2012. Puebla, Pue IMSS Oportunidades. Participación en la celebración del Día Nacional de la Persona Mayor. CDMX, 26 Agosto 2022. El Centro de Atención Social a la Salud de las y los Adultos Mayores CASSAAM. REVISOR Comité Revisor de Trabajos Libres del XXXII Congreso Nacional de Medicina Familiar. Cd. Zacatecas, México del 25-28 Mayo 2022. Participe en el Equipo de Alto Desempeño (EAD). CERTIFICACIONES Certificado como Especialista en Medicina Familiar. Consejo Mexicano de Certificación en Medicina Familiar A.C. Vigencia del 04 Diciembre 2021 a Diciembre 2024. Número de certificado 11803. CURSOS Razonamiento Ético en Medicina. Sesiones en línea 3, 17, 27, 30 Junio 2022. Ética y Bioética FacMed. Hepatitis aguda de causa desconocida en niños. Sesión en línea del 16 junio 2022. Consejo Mexicano de Gastroenterología A.C registro CMG 2022-052. Integridad, ética y prevención de riesgos. Duración 10 horas. Cd México 28 Abril 2022. COVID-19: rehabilitación neurológica y musculoesquelética. Modalidad en línea Duración 12 horas. Del 18 Marzo al 29 Marzo 2022. Lactancia Materna Modalidad en línea. Duración 14 horas. Del 24 Enero al 7 Febrero 2022. IMSS. Congreso Internacional de Salud Mental “Plantar bandera y hacer aliados” OPS, OMS, CIESS. 8-10 Diciembre 2021. Duración 24 horas. XXXII Congreso Mexicano de Cardiología. Congreso Mexicano de Rehabilitación Cardíaca, Prevención y Cardiología del Deporte. Mérida Yucatán 30 Octubre al 2 Noviembre 2021. Essential Epidemiologic Tools for Public Health Practice. Johns Hopkins University. Coursera Education. Junio 29 2021. Rastreo de los contactos de la COVID-19. Johns Hopkins University. Coursera Education. Junio 29 2021. Data and Health Indicators in Public Health Practice. Johns Hopkins University. Coursera Education. 29 Junio 2021. Introducción a la programación en R y su aplicación a la inferencia estadística. Edición 9. UNAM. Del 13 Febrero 2021 a 3 Abril 2021. 40 horas. Curso Santander-Universia. Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior y la Fundación Educación Superior-Empresa. “Habilidades y competencias clave para el mundo profesional”. 2021 8 horas Protección de sujetos humanos. Investigación clínica. CITI Program. Completion Date 13 Enero 2019- Expiration date 12 Enero 2021. Colaboración académica en el curso de especialización en Medicina Familiar ciclo 2019-2020. UMF 28 Gabriel Mancera. 21 Febrero 2020. Curso-Seminario de Investigación Clínica AP-HP en colaboración con la Embajada de Francia y el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. 23-26 Septiembre 2019. SIMEX 2019. Congreso Internacional de Simulación Clínica. UNAM. 26-28 Junio 2019 Higiene de manos “Manos limpias salvan vidas”. Modalidad en línea. Duración 20 horas. Del 28 Febrero al 23 Marzo 2020. Estrategias Educativas para el Docente Semipresencial. Modalidad línea. Duración 25 horas. 8 Mayo 2019-7 Junio 2019. Curso monográfico con prácticas “Formación de Profesores en Simulación” del 22 Octubre de 2018 al 26 Octubre 2018. XXXII Congreso Internacional AMGG: Colegio Nacional de Medicina Geriátrica 2018 del 8 al 11 de Abril en la Unidad de Congresos del Centro Médico Nacional Siglo XXI. Educación en Diabetes. IMSS. Coordinación de Educación en Salud. Del 10 Enero de 2018 al 31 Enero de 2018. Duración 25 horas. Exposición ponente Foro Nacional Investigación en Salud. IMSS Octubre 2017. Ginecología Oncológica para el Médico de primer nivel de atención. Duración 20 horas. 14 Agosto 2017 al 03 Septiembre 2017. Wonca 2016. Brasil, curso internacional Medicina Familiar 2-4 noviembre Río de Janeiro Brasil 2016. Asistente Foro de Metodología de la Investigación y Bioestadística asistente 8 al 10 Junio 2016. Cd México. PONENCIAS Poster Presentation. Association Between Cognitive Patterns and Risk Factors of Lifestyle of Elderly Adults. 22 World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics IAGG 2022. Virtual 12-16 June 2022. Encuentro Docencia Universitaria. Facultad de Estudios Superiores Zaragoza. Departamento de Educación Continua. 4 Agosto 2018. Participación ponente (oral). Exposición ponente Foro Nacional Investigación en Salud. IMSS Octubre 2017 (cartel). ASOCIACIONES MIEMBRO Asociación Mexicana de Medicina General y Familiar A.C WONCA-CIMF. 13 Diciembre 2021. Alumnos graduados Karla Andrea Villalobos Luna. Tesis Especialidad Medicina Familiar. UNAM 2022 R-2021-3703-013. « Efecto de ejercicios de Kegel en el índice de severidad de Sandvik en dos grupos de mujeres con incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo vs incontinencia urinaria de urgencia ». Rodrigo Enrique Díaz Velázquez. Tesis Especialidad Medicina Familiar. UNAM 2022 R-2021-3703-091. « Detección de Factores Asociados a Enfermedad Crónica en Fase inicial en pacientes con hipertensión arterial sistémica de la UMF No. 28 ». Oscar Adrian Sandoval Zayas. Tesis Especialidad Medicina Familiar. UNAM. 2021 R-2020-3703-108. « Efecto de una intervención educativa en la adherencia terapéutica en pacientes con hipertensión arterial de la UMF 7 Tlalpan ». Ollinziuatl Pascual Martínez. Tesis Especialidad Medicina Familiar UNAM. 2020. R- 2021-3703-003« Prevalencia de trastorno de estrés postraumático en derechohabientes con covid-19 ». Danny Mel Camacho Villagómez. Tesis Especialidad Medicina Familiar. UNAM. 2020. R-2020-3703-088. « Asociación de la adherencia terapéutica y calidad de vida en el paciente con EPOC ». Ruth Mariana Camacho López. Tesis Especialidad Medicina Familiar UNAM. 2020. R-2020-3703-026. « Factores de riesgo asociados a la presencia de polineuropatía diabética, en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en el primer nivel de atención». Luis Antonio Hernández Pérez. Tesis Especialidad Medicina Familiar UNAM. 2019. R-2019-3605-082. « Nivel de conocimiento sobre diabetes mellitus y su asociación con la presencia de complicaciones crónicas en pacientes con DM2 ». Everardo Castro Zamudio. Tesis Especialidad Medicina Familiar. UNAM. 2018. R-2020-3703-088. « Factores de riesgo en pacientes con obesidad y dislipidemia de acuerdo con la actividad fisica en la unidad de medicina familiar número 28 de la ciudad de méxico » Yesica Román Cardona. Tesis Especialidad Medicina Familiar. UNAM. R-2018-3609-086. « Estado de nutrición y su relación con los linfocitos en adultos mayores derechohabientes de la Unidad de Medicina Familiar 28 del IMSS ».
Karolinska Institutet
Chemist with Master's degree in Pharmaceutical sciences and PhD in Biochemistry. My research is focused on understanding the role of reactive astrocytes in early stages of AD pathogenesis, using positron emission tomography radiotracers in postmortem brain tissue of AD patients.
Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives
Institut de Biologie François Jacob/ MIRCen
Karine Cambon is a French scientist belonging to the Neurodegenerative Diseases Laboratory, a joint CEA/ CNRS research unit (UMR9199) .based at MIRCen, (François Jacob Institute of biology, Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives) in Fontenay-aux-Roses, France. Her laboratory is part of NeurATRIS, a research infrastructure conceived to accelerate the translation of discoveries in basic research into medical innovations for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system. She is also the head of the rodent behavioral analysis platform at Mircen. In collaboration with Alexis Bemelmans, she has developed gene-transfer based models of Tauopathy to better understand the relationship between tau aggregation and cellular toxicity. She has confirmed the toxic nature of soluble hyperphosphorylated Tau species for neurons. She is currently aiming to better undertand the complex neuron-astrocyte interaction in Tauopathies.
Prothena Biosciences Inc.
Translational Medicine
Dr. Brian Campbell, PhD has worked in the pharmaceutical industry for over 20 years in a variety of research and translational roles with a focus on psychiatric and neurological drug discovery. He is currently the head of Translational Medicine at Prothena Biosciences helping to develop groundbreaking immunotherapies against misfolded protein disorders and other debilitating neurological conditions. Prior to that he worked for a range of well-known pharmaceutical companies including Pfizer, Lundbeck, and Sage Therapeutics. In addition, he was a co-founder of MindImmune Therapeutics and is currently an Adjunct Ryan Research Professor of Neuroscience at the University of Rhode Island associated with the George & Anne Ryan Institute for Neuroscience.
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Talisman Therapeutics
Talisman Therapeutics
University of Gothenburg
Department of Psychiatry and Neurochemistry
Elena is a postdoc at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, working on fluid biomarkers discovery for neurodegenerative diseases. The focus of her studies is on proteomic investigations in Alzheimer's disease, combining immunoassays and mass spectrometric methods.
University of Santiago de Compostela
I am a full professor at the Department of Pharmacology of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC, Spain) and PI in the Group of Research on Physiology and Pharmacology of Chronic Diseases (FIFAEC) at the USC. Currently I am participating, along with Dr. D. Viña, in a project to the neurovascular origin of neurodegenerative disorders, with special focus to brain endothelial damage and blood brain barrier disruption. In this project, we intend to develop new therapeutic strategies against primary neurodegenerative diseases.
Karolinska Institutet
Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society
I am a PhD student working with brain connectivity methods and their application to Alzheimer’s disease.
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Universitätsmedizin Göttingen
Neurology Department
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CNC - Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology, University of Coimbra
Faculty of Medicine, Pólo 1 (1st floor), University of Coimbra