Walden University
College of Health Professions
Dr. Sri Banerjee has nearly 20 years of experience in the areas of Public Health and Global Health. He has worked at the Centers for Disease Control in the area of infectious diseases and has worked on public health projects worldwide. Additionally, he has conducted award-winning research in the areas of HIV and chronic diseases and has experience writing grant proposals. He has conducted geospatial analysis to determine the presence of food deserts. His experience as a public health consultant and serving on the board of directors of public health organizations help in providing a practical front line perspective to the learning of public health. Also, he has experience in advising students about public health projects. He has also coauthored and published more than 50 research articles in prestigious journals such as the Lancet, and the Journal of American Medical Association with emphasis on global health, social epidemiology, cancer, and injury prevention. More recently, his research has received widespread attention from prominent media outlets such as Yahoo News, Healthline, HealthDigest, and MSN Health News. He uses his medical clinical expertise and his research acumen to guide his students.