Univ. Lille, Inserm U1171
Department of Neurology, Stroke unit
Charlotte Cordonnier is a neurologist specialised in stroke medicine with a PhD thesis in Neurosciences. Appointed as Professor of Neurology at the Lille University (France) in 2012, she has been the head of the Stroke centre of the Lille university Hospital since 2015. Since 2018, she chairs the department of Neurology. Her research interests are intracerebral haemorrhages (including microbleeds) both in the setting of stroke and dementia, acute management of stroke, and stroke specificities in women. She is the director of the Lille Haemorrhagic Stroke research program inside the INSERM U1172. She was vice-president of the European Stroke Organisation (2016 -2020) and is currently a member of the scientific committee of the European Academy of Neurology. Since April 2020, she serves as Associate Editor for the Stroke journal.

Moderator of 1 Session

Session Type
Main Theme Symposium
28.10.2021, Thursday
Session Time
15:45 - 17:15
Session Icon
Live Session