S. Coghlan

University of Melbourne Computing and Information Systems
Simon is a moral philosopher and a veterinarian. He is a senior research fellow in the Centre for AI and Digital Ethics (CAIDE) and the School of Computing and Information Systems (CIS) at the University of Melbourne. He has a PhD in moral philosophy. Simon's research in digital ethics currently includes a focus on companion and care robots for older people and other groups, on animal-computer interaction, and on digital technologies in healthcare and public health. He has interests in applied ethics of various types, including conservation ethics, animal ethics, and health ethics. He has worked in private small animal practice for over 20 years.

Author Of 2 Presentations

Panel discussion

Lecture Time
12:02 PM - 12:47 PM

Ethics and emerging digital technologies in veterinary medicine

Lecture Time
09:02 AM - 09:47 AM

Presenter of 2 Presentations

Panel discussion

Lecture Time
12:02 PM - 12:47 PM

Ethics and emerging digital technologies in veterinary medicine

Lecture Time
09:02 AM - 09:47 AM