Lund University
Department of Clinical Sciences, Center for Primary Health Care Research
Ferdinando Petrazzuoli has been a family doctor in his native, rural, village in Southern Italy for 35 years. He is a post-doctoral researcher at the Center for Primary Health Care Research, Department of Clinical Sciences in Malmo, Lund University, Sweden. He obtained his PhD at the Center for Primary Health Care Research, Department of Clinical Sciences in Malmo, Lund University, Sweden in 2019 with the thesis: Dementia management in European Primary Care. He has a Master of Science (MSc) in Primary Care & General Practice from the University of Ulster (United Kingdom) (2008). From 2010 to 2019 he was a member of the Executive Board of the European General Practice Research Network (EGPRN) which is a network within WONCA Europe. He completed three terms as vice-chair and is responsible for the Web Based Research Course ( In 2017 he was nominated to be Chair of the Dementia group in the Mental Health Working Party of WONCA WORLD. In 2015 he was nominated to the Euripa Executive Board, and became Chair of the EURIPA Scientific Board. Euripa is the European Rural and Isolated Practitioners Association and is a network within WONCA Europe. ORCID (0000-0003-1058-492X) Mobile phone: 00393471273910

Moderator of 1 Session

Session Type
09.07.2021, Friday
Session Time
04:00 PM - 05:30 PM
Hall 3
Session Description
Session Icon
Pure Live, Pre-Registration

Presenter of 1 Presentation


09.07.2021, Friday
Session Time
04:00 PM - 05:30 PM
Hall 3
Lecture Time
04:00 PM - 05:30 PM
Session Icon
Pure Live, Pre-Registration


Abstract Body

Background: The COVID-19 outbreak has significantly affected the delivery of general practice in Europe. The rapid implementation of telemedicine has brought both threats and opportunities in the delivery of care especially in settings where the way of delivering care is more traditional. It is clear that there are certain common steps in healthcare prevention and management of COVID-19 pandemic in most European countries, however, we want to find out more about what is happening across rural Europe.

Aim and learning objectives: To provide an overview of how primary care has been affected in rural areas and what we expect in the future, when we will return into the so called “new normal”.

Methods and timetable: This workshop will be chaired by the European Rural and Isolated Practitioners Association (EURIPA) and it will be structured in three parts:

The first will include brief highlights from the authors on the outcomes of the EURIPA Covid-19 Survey.

Then, there will include a discussion in small groups on key issues emerging from these outcomes and lessons learned from Covid-19 pandemic.

Finally, we will discuss issues related to the real world rural primary care post-COVID practice.

(Proposed) Results / Conclusions: This workshop is expected to provide an overview of real-life rural primary care during the pandemic and suggestions on how to address the opportunities and threats for the future. 
