Poster display session Poster Display session

53P - The role of p53 gene suppressor and bcl-2 oncoprotein in germ cell ovarian tumor prognosis determination among child and adolescent patients.

Presentation Number
Lecture Time
12:15 - 12:15
  • Anvar T. Shukullaev (Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Session Name
Poster display session
Sat, Oct 15, 2022
12:15 - 13:00



To determine the p53 gene suppressor and bcl-2 oncoprotein forecast role in non-epithelial ovarian tumor prognosis among child and adolescent patients.


Our search is based on immunohistochemical method results of 30 patients with non-epithelial ovarian tumors at I-IV stages, which were diagnosed and treated in oncogynecology and children oncology departments of national oncologic science center of Ministry of Public Health of Republic of Uzbekistan from 2010 till 2021.


The analysis of immunohistochemical method results shows 6(20%) patients among which had been marked high expression bcl-2 oncoprotein, 9(30%) moderate express, 15(50%) low express. Analysis of p53 gene suppressor results shows 8(26,6%) patients among which had been marked high expression, 12(40%) moderate express, 10(33,3%) low express. The group of patients which high expression of p53 gene suppressor and bcl-2 oncoprotein took aggressive course of chemotherapy of scheme PVB or BEP (from 6 till 8 courses). The group patients of moderate and low expression of p53 gene suppressor and bcl-2 oncoprotein took moderately aggressive course of chemotherapy of scheme BEP or EP (from 4 till 6 courses). The high correlation between bcl-2 expression level increases and fast tumor growth, and therefore incurability of oncologic process among of patients had been revealed. Also the high probability of tumor recurrence was noticed. In the high-positive p53 gene suppressor rate group took place aggressive current of tumor process and these patients had early recurrence and metastases, which demanded recurrent aggressive chemotherapy.


p53 gene suppressor and bcl-2 oncoprotein expression in non-epithelial ovarian tumors among the child and adolescent patients is characterized with high and low rates, which enables to use this rate determination for given pathology currency prognosis identification.

Legal entity responsible for the study

The author.


Has not received any funding.


The author has declared no conflicts of interest.
