US National Cancer Institute
Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics
Dr. Kreimer is a Senior Investigator at the US National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics. She focuses her research on the etiology and prevention of human papillomavirus (HPV) and cancers at multiple sites, including the head and neck and anogenital region. She has particular interests in translational research, cancer etiology related to the natural history of HPV infection at multiple anatomic sites, and cancer prevention. She is the Principle Investigator on several prophylactic HPV vaccine trials including “ESCUDDO: A Randomized Trial of One-Dose HPV Vaccination,” a research initiative of the Cancer Moonshot.

Moderator of 3 Sessions

Session Type
Public Health
Mon, Apr 17, 2023
Session Time
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Ballroom C
Session Type
Special Satellite Symposium
Wed, Apr 19, 2023
Session Time
05:15 PM - 06:45 PM
Session Description
Background. Hundreds of millions of HPV vaccine doses have been administered globally. Post-marketing surveillance studies have confirmed initial observations in clinical trials of a strong safety record. Yet, concerns regarding the safety of the HPV vaccines continue to impede their use. Learning Objectives. The main objective of this session is to understand the status of the safety data for HPV vaccines, and the different sources used to generate these data. Participants will learn to interpret results from safety analyses, and to discern true signals of concern from anecdotes and scare tactics. The specific objectives are to review and understand: 1)Different sources of vaccine adverse event data, and the methodologic approaches used for analyzing the data; 2)Rigorously-collected and interpreted safety data from the USA, Australia and globally; 3)Safety concerns regarding HPV vaccination in Japan; and, 4)Distinguishing true safety concerns from anti-vaccine misinformation and appropriate messaging of vaccine safety data. Presentations and potential speakers. 90 min total Introduction to HPV vaccine monitoring- Suzanne Garland Vaccine safety monitoring in the USA: approaches and resultsLauri Markowitz Vaccine safety monitoring in Australia: approaches and results. Kristine Macartney Vaccine safety monitoring by the WHO: approaches and results. Paul Bloem or WHO representative Scientific evaluation of alleged findings in HPV vaccines in Japan. Ikuo Tsunoda Messaging HPV vaccine safetyAlex Vorsters Discussion. Toshiyuki Sasagawa
Session Type
Public Health
Fri, Apr 21, 2023
Session Time
02:15 PM - 03:45 PM
Ballroom C
Session Description
Ongoing changes in polices related to prevention of HPV-driven cancers aim to maximize access and effectiveness of these interventions. In the past few years, notable changes have been made to both HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening policies at the global level. Recent data have also documented the efficacy of anal cancer screening in reducing the incidence of anal cancer in people living with HIV. This session broadly aims to update participants on the rationale, implementation and barriers to the new global policies.

Presenter of 1 Presentation


Session Type
Clinical Science
Tue, Apr 18, 2023
Session Time
08:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Presentation Type
Lecture Time
09:00 AM - 09:15 AM