Julia A. Bielicki (Switzerland)

University of Basel Children's Hospital Paediatric Infectious Diseases
Dr Julia Bielicki is a paediatrician and researcher at St George's, University of London and the University Children's Hospital Basel, and holds a Master of Public Health and PhD from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She is experienced working in observational and interventional studies that aim to improve paediatric antibiotic use in the light of an increasing burden of antimicrobial resistance and the need to conserve antibiotics for future generations. Her current research focuses on developing appropriate surveillance methodology to assess childhood antibiotic resistance for better use of routine microbiological data to select empiric treatment regimens as well as strategic randomised controlled trials addressing optimal management of neonatal sepsis, paediatric pneumonia and infection prevention and control in neonatal care. She has successfully led a wide number of clinical projects globally with active EDCTP, EU H2020, NIHR, MRC, and Wellcome Trust funding and published over 70 peer reviewed academic papers since 2015, focusing on optimal treatment of severe infections in children.

Moderator of 1 Session

Session Type
Wed, 26.05.2021
Session Time
14:30 - 15:30
Hall 03
Session Icon
Live Session