Kanazawa University Graduate School of medical sciences Radiology
Kanazawa University Graduate School of medical sciences

Author of 2 Presentations

Liver - Focal Liver Lesions Poster presentation - Scientific

SE-088 - Peritumoral hypointensity on hepatobiliary phase of gadoxetic acid-enhanced-MR imaging in colorectal hepatic metastasis: correlation with its pathological features and clinical significance γ€€



To correlate the peritumoral hypointensity on hepatobiliary phase of gadoxetic acid-enhanced-MR imaging in colorectal hepatic metastases with histopathologic findings and to investigate the clinical significance.

Material and methods

A total of 69 metastases in 42 patients (24 men, 18 women; mean age, 62 years) who underwent preoperative MR imaging and surgical resection were included. Two radiologists retrospectively evaluated the presence of peritumoral hypointensity on hepatobiliary phase and it’s intensity on other sequences. Correlations with pathological findings were investigated. Predictive factors, relation of local recurrence and overall survival were analyzed by multivariate analyses.


Peritumoral hypointensity was observed in 16 lesions (23.2%). Pathological findings, which includes compression of parenchyma, inflammatory cell infiltration, desmoplastic reaction, sinusoidal congestion, were observed. The thickness of peritumoral hypointensity was not correlated with the degree of these pathological changes. No micro vascular and direct invasion were observed. Predictive factor was only the size of the tumor (p< 0.05), and there was no relation with local recurrence and overall survival rates.


The prevalence of peritumoral hypointensity was 23.2%. Several pathological changes were not correlated with the thickness of peritumoral hypointensity, which does not have relation with tumor invasion.

Liver - Other Poster presentation - Scientific

SE-093 - Signal intensity pattern of hepatic pseudolesion observed in the third inflow area on hepatobiliary phase of Gd-EOB-DTPA enhanced MRI



To elucidate the signal intensity pattern of hepatic pseudolesion observed in the third inflow area on hepatobiliary phase (HBP) of Gd-EOB-DTPA enhanced MRI (EOB-MRI).

Material and methods

Total 215 hepatic pseudolesions in the third inflow area, which were incidentally diagnosed by CT during arterial portography (CTAP) for closer examination of liver lesion, were subjected to this study. The location, background liver condition, and HBP signal intensity pattern of the hepatic pseudolesion observed in the third inflow area were investigated. Chi-square test were used for statistical analysis and p<0.05 were regarded as significant.


Within 215 pseudolesions, 9.3% (n=20) showed signal intensity difference compared with background liver parenchyma on HBP of EOB- MRI. Detailed signal intensity pattern were as follows: 6.5% (n=14) showed hyper-intensity, and 2.8% (n=6) showed hypo-intensity on HBP of EOB-MRI. Location of the lesions were as follows: posterior aspect of segment 4; n=15, hepatic parenchyma surrounding gallbladder fossa; n=6. There was no significant difference (p=0.08) in incidence of signal intensity difference of pseudolesion on HBP images between liver disease cases (n=188) and normal liver cases (n=27). 85.7% of hyper-intensity pseudolesion showed hyper-intensity on T1- and hypo-intensity on T2-weighted image. In contrast, 83.3% hypo-intensity pseudolesion showed iso-intensity both on T1- and T2-weighted image.


About 9% of the hepatic pseudolesion observed in the third inflow area show signal intensity difference compared to the background liver parenchyma on HBP of EOB-MRI. In particular, 2.8% of the pseudolesion show hypo-intensity on HBP and it should be distinguished from true liver tumor.
