University of Campania
Department of Psychiatry
Gaia Sampogna, MD, PhD is Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli”, Naples, Italy. Her research work is mostly focused on epidemiology and social psychiatry. In particular, her research interests include stigma and discrimination against people with severe mental disorders, the development and the implementation of psychoeducational family interventions, the clinical decision-making process in mental health care practice, the adoption of psychiatric involuntary treatments and pathways to mental health care of persons with severe mental illness. Since 2020 she is the Chair of the early career psychiatrists committee of the Italian Psychiatric Association. She is member of the European Psychiatric Association (EPA) and she is Chair of the EPA ECPC Task Force on Research. Since June 2016, she is Committee member of the Section on Education of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). She co-authored more than 100 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals, 6 book chapters and about 90 presentations at national and international congresses.

Moderator of 1 Session

Session Type
Mon, 06.06.2022
Session Time
10:00 - 11:30
Hall B
Session Description
Stigma attached to mental disorders represents a significant obstacle to the recovery process of affected people. Furthermore, stigma and stigmatization have a detrimental impact also on patients’ family members and caregivers as well as on mental health care professionals. Due to stigmatization, the physical health of people with mental disorders is very often overlooked and healthcare providers are not keen to take care of patients with severe mental disorders. Therefore, it has been repeatedly claimed the need to challenging stigma attached to mental disorders. Several initiatives have been promoted worldwide, aiming to change levels of knowledge, behaviours, attitudes in the general population. In this symposium, the long-term experience carried out in UK with the Time To Change programme will be presented as well as the results of a similar Antistigma campaign promoted in Czech Republic. Early career psychiatrists will actively participate in this symposium highlighting the role of digital tool in challenging stigma as well as the impact of stigmatization on their career.
Session Icon
ECP, Fully Live

Presenter of 3 Presentations

Long-Term Effectiveness of Psychoeducational Interventions in Bipolar Disorders

Session Type
Sat, 04.06.2022
Session Time
12:30 - 14:00
On Demand 1
Session Icon
On Demand
Lecture Time
13:10 - 13:30

Resilience During the Pandemic

Session Type
Mon, 06.06.2022
Session Time
17:00 - 18:30
Hall B
Session Icon
ECP, Fully Live
Lecture Time
17:56 - 18:10

ECP meeting

Session Type
Committee Meeting
Sun, 05.06.2022
Session Time
09:00 - 11:45
Meeting Room 1
Lecture Time
09:00 - 11:25