Alexian Psychiatric Hospital
Els Santens is a psychiatrist specialized in addiction and forensic psychiatry. She works at the addiction service of the Alexian Psychiatric Hospital in Tienen, Belgium. She is doing research about the role of Effortful Control in Substance Use Disorders.

Moderator of 1 Session

Session Type
Mon, 06.06.2022
Session Time
08:00 - 09:30
Hall D
Session Description
There is a growing interest in a transdiagnostic approach to psychiatric disorders that cuts across traditional diagnostic boundaries to provide new insights in understanding mental health problems. A possible important transdiagnostic factor in psychopathology is Effortful Control. Effortful Control or executive/cognitive control refers to the ability to regulate behavior, emotion and cognition. It has been identified as a contributor to both adaptive and adverse outcomes in children, adolescents and adults. Clinical research points out that individuals with low levels of Effortful Control are at increased risk for multiple types of psychopathology like eating disorders, substance use disorders, anxiety and mood disorders, …. Early assessment of Effortful Control and early interventions to improve Effortful Control might help to prevent or decrease the risk on developing a broad spectrum of psychiatric disorders in children, adolescents and adults. This presentation includes recent research on the role of EC in psychopathology across the lifespan and therapeutic implications: 1) The role of effortful control and the Dual Pathway model in childhood obesity; 2) The role of effortful control in substance use disorders; 3) The role of effortful control and executive attention in mood disorders; 4) The role of effortful control in pyschopathology amongst older psychiatric patients.
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Presenter of 1 Presentation

The role of Effortful Control in Substance Use Disorders

Session Type
Mon, 06.06.2022
Session Time
08:00 - 09:30
Hall D
Session Icon
Fully Live
Lecture Time
08:00 - 08:23


Abstract Body

Background and aim:

Temperament and personality traits are important factors underlying the vulnerability for both initiation and continuation of addictive behaviors. In SUDs there is a high comorbidity with mood and anxiety disorders and personality disorders. As there is a growing interest in the possible transdiagnostic role of Effortful Control in both SUDs as in their comorbid disorders the current study therefore investigates the influence of reactive (Behavioral Inhibition System and Behavioral Activation System, BIS/BAS) and regulative (Effortful Control, EC) temperament and their interaction in relation to clinical symptomatology and PDs in adult inpatients with SUD.


The EC, BIS/BAS, SCL-90-R and ADP-IV questionnaires were administered to 841 patients (age between 17 y and 71 y) with a SUD admitted at the treatment unit for addiction of a psychiatric hospital.


Hierarchical regression analyses showed that both, clinical symptomatology and PDs were related to low levels of effortful control (EC). Furthermore, cluster C PDs were related to high levels of BIS and low levels of EC; whereas cluster B PDs were related to low levels of EC and high levels of BAS for the narcissistic and histrionic PD. An interaction effect (BIS*EC) was found for the Schizotypal PD, all other interactions (BIS*EC and BAS*EC) were not significant.


We found that low EC is involved in all clinical symptomatology and PDs in a sample of inpatients with SUDs. Therapeutic interventions aiming at strengthening effortful control can possibly result in better treatment outcomes for both the addiction as the comorbid psychopathology
