C. Martín Villarroel, Spain

Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Toledo Psiquiatría

Presenter of 4 Presentations

e-Poster Presentations (ID 1106) AS01. Anxiety Disorders and Somatoform Disorders

EPP0018 - Iatrogenesis as a possible cause of chronification of Mental Disorders.

Session Name
e-Poster Presentations (ID 1106)
Sun, 11.04.2021
Session Time
07:30 - 23:59
e-Poster Gallery
Lecture Time
07:30 - 07:30



Most mental disorders tend to relapse (severe or mild pathologies such as anxiety or dystima disorders), which are potentially recoverable and yet, tend to evolve poorly, persisting residual symptoms without achieving a complete recovery.


The objective of this paper is to analyze the factors that influence process of recurrence and chronification, among which are our own therapeutic interventions.


A bibliographic search was performed from different database (Pubmed, TripDatabase) about the iatrogenic potential of our intervention (psychopharmacological or psychotherapeutic), analyzing influence and mechanisms involved, and the way to prevent them.


Anxiety is a necessary element for the development of people, both from a biological perspective (natural and adaptive psychological response that allows us to respond adequately to possible threats); as an evolutionary psychological (element involved in conflict resolution, in turn necessary for personal development). It would be a mistake to consider it as pathological and try to eliminate it through medication or psychotherapy, since we could interfere with the natural recovery processes, contributing to its chronification and preventing possibility of change. At times, anxiety can be pathological when it occurs disproportionately and exceeds ability to adapt, but we must not eliminate it but to study origin and factors involved, to achieve complete resolution.


In conclusion, we must consider possible iatrogenesis of our therapeutic interventions in process of chronification of mental disorders and try to avoid them by adequately studying individual factors and characteristics, before intervening.

e-Poster Presentations (ID 1106) AS07. COVID-19 and related topics

EPP0466 - Steroid-induced psychosis in context a Sars-CoV-2 pandemic. About a case.

Session Name
e-Poster Presentations (ID 1106)
Sun, 11.04.2021
Session Time
07:30 - 23:59
e-Poster Gallery
Lecture Time
07:30 - 07:30



SARS-CoV-2 is having an important direct impact, and also due to treatments used such as corticosteroids. Among its effects, we have focused on psychosis.


The objective of this paper is to study, from following case, incidence of steroid-induced psychosis in context of COVID-19.


A bibliographic search was performed from different database (Pubmed, TripDatabase) about psychiatric symptoms associated with use of corticosteroids during pandemic.

64-year-old woman with no psychiatric history, who is hospitalized for pneumonia secondary to SARS-Cov2 and treated with antibiotics, bronchodilators, and corticosteroids. At 4 days she began with injury and nihilistic delusions. The corticosteroids were progressively reduced, adding 2.5 mg Risperidone, resolving after ten days.


Corticosteroids are currently being used to treat the systemic inflammatory response associated with COVID-19, but they can produce other effects such as psychiatric symptoms (3-6%): 75% affective (mainly hypomanic symptoms); and 25% psychotic. Steroid-induced psychosis are characterized by confusion, delusions, and hallucinations, and they usually begin 3-4 days after onset, and resolve within a week. They are associated especially with oral systemic steroids and high doses: 1.3% with 40mg of prednisone, and 18% with 80mg; increased this incidence due to the greater use that is being made to treat COVID-19 and the higher doses used in severe cases (up to 120 mg).


To conclude, we need to know characteristics of these episodes in order to be able to prevent and treat them properly (minimum effective dose and less time), since they will probably occur more frequently at this time.

e-Poster Presentations (ID 1106) AS14. Ethics and Psychiatry

EPP0672 - Limitation of Therapeutic Effort in pychiatric patients. About a case.

Session Name
e-Poster Presentations (ID 1106)
Sun, 11.04.2021
Session Time
07:30 - 23:59
e-Poster Gallery
Lecture Time
07:30 - 07:30



Thanks to advances in medicine, more diseases are being cured, but this benefit can become a problem when it causes a worsening of quality of life.


The objective of this paper is to analyze, regarding the following case, the convenience of treating or to limit the therapeutic effort (LTE) in psychiatric patients who are in situations at the end of life.


62-year-old woman begins with depressive symptoms from financial problems. In 4 months ago she makes four suicide attempts (drug overdose, cuts, self-stabbing, and precipitation), being hospitalized in ICU after latter because of multiple trauma and shock. During that time, she had a bad evolution with several complications that made LTE be evaluated.

A bibliographic search was performed from different database (Pubmed, TripDatabase) about LTE and ethical implications.


Trying to prolong life by disproportionate means in a patient with a poor prognosis or poor quality of life is bad practice. We must assess the severity, quality of life, capacity and preferences of the patient to decide to treat or not, thus guaranteeing the principle of beneficence. It is also important to respect the principle of autonomy, accepting patients can refuse treatment. All this is equally applicable to psychiatric patients, whom we should not stigmatize but rather evaluate their ability to decide, as in any person.


In conclusion, in situations of high suffering and near death, it is necessary a complete evaluation of the patient (psychiatric or not) is carried out in order to act in the most ethical way.

e-Poster Viewing (ID 1107) AS19. Mental Health Care

EPV0353 - Trauma: harmful effect of diagnostic labeling and iatrogenic intervention for the recovery process

Session Name
e-Poster Viewing (ID 1107)
Sun, 11.04.2021
Session Time
07:30 - 23:59
e-Poster Gallery
Lecture Time
07:30 - 07:30



We know the coexistence of traumatic factors (loss of affective relationships, experiences of abuse, extreme risk situations, etc.) is common in psychiatric pathologies in which level of stress experienced exceeds normal capacity of the person, favoring the appearance of dissociative or excision mechanisms. A common mistake is to pathologize them and try to eliminate them.


The objective of this paper is to study trauma and defense mechanisms involved, in order to carry out a better approach.


A bibliographic search was performed from different database (Pubmed, TripDatabase) about trauma, mechanisms involved and the construction of identity.


We know neural pathways mature asymmetrically in evolutionary development (functions related to attention, concentration and executive function having special importance) and thus, traumas occurred in moments of greatest vulnerability such as early childhood, can damage and interfere with the correct integration of neural processes, producing disproportionate and unnecessarily maintained alert responses (common basis for many pathologies such as borderline personality disorder or traumatic psychosis). In response to this, reactive mechanisms are produced (such as dissociation or cleavage) that are not necessarily pathological and therefore, we should not always intervene by eliminating them because they often function as a protective factor, allowing to preserve functioning and favoring recovery.


In conclusion, we need a better understanding of mechanisms involved in trauma, executive function and the alarm system beyond anxiety reactions, trying to understand the function of symptom without eliminating it, but evaluating whether there are healthier alternatives can be promoted for the complete recovery of the patient.
