R. Holm-Hadulla, MD, Germany

Heidelberg University Psycho-Social Medicine

Presenter of 2 Presentations

e-Poster Presentations (ID 1106) AS39. Psychotherapy

EPP1097 - Integrative Psychotherapy of Patients With Schizophrenic Spectrum Disorders

Session Name
e-Poster Presentations (ID 1106)
Sun, 11.04.2021
Session Time
07:30 - 23:59
e-Poster Gallery
Lecture Time
07:30 - 07:30



Psychotherapy of patients suffering from schizophrenic disorders remains controversial. There are promising descriptions of psychothereputic interventions in combination with pharmacological treatment. Some empirical studies show that different forms of psychotherapy are effective. However, there are few models to combine different psychotherapeutic strategies in a comprehensive way.


We here propose a model of integrative psychotherapy that is based on the therapeutic alliance and the general principles of understanding and communication. It comprises interpersonal, behavioral, psychodynamic, and existential elements.


Theoretical principles of different psychotherapeutic schools are applied hermeneutically to a case of schizophrenia. Thus, general methods of psychotherapy gain contextual meaning by the analysis of an individual narrative. The patient himself assessed and approved his case report.


After remission of the acute symptoms, integrative psychotherapy played the major role in the recovery of a young musician. It is shown how the therapeutic alliance and communication in a general sense interacted with behavioral, cognitive, psychodynamic, and existential techniques. It is demonstrated narratively how recovery was facilitated, adjunct to pharmacological treatment, by method-integrative psychotherapy. Basic cognitive-behavioral techniques ensured at first the stabilization of the patient. Then psychodynamic remembering, repeating, and working through became possible. Finally, existential topics and creative solutions dominated the sessions.


Psychotherapeutic method-integration is necessary to treat patients with various mental disorders especially schizophrenia. We propose an ABCDE-Model that comprises the following principles: Therapeutic alliance (A); behavior change (B); cognitive reflection on dysfunctional meanings and beliefs (C); psychodynamic remembering, repeating, and working through (D); and existential understanding and communication (E).

Oral Communications (ID 1110) AS35. Psychopathology

O227 - Creativity and Psychopathology – An Interdisciplinary View

Sat, 10.04.2021
Session Time
07:00 - 21:00
On Demand
Lecture Time
18:00 - 18:12



Since ancient philosophy extraordinary creativity is associated with mental disorders, emotional and cognitive destabilization, and melancholia. We here summarize the results of empirical and narrative studies and analyze most prominent cases of highly creative persons who suffered from depression, bipolar and schizotypic disorders, drug- and alcohol addiction. Hereby, we focus on the interaction of creative processes with “bipolar” personality traits. Finally, we offer an interdisciplinary interpretation of the creative dialectics between order and chaos.


An interdisciplinary concept of the relationship between creativity and psychopathology is shown to be essential for reasonable psychopharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatment of creative individuals.


On the basis of empirical-statistical and biographical studies we offer a comprehensive concept of the interaction between creativity and psychopathology.


The exemplary cases of J. W. v. Goethe and Robert Schumann show a complex interaction of mood swings with creative achievements. Dysthymic and mild depressive phases were associated with creative efforts whereas severe depressive episodes inhibited their creativity. Mild mood swings and “bipolar personality traits” interacted constructively with their creative striving. With respect to the relationship of alcohol- and drug-abuse, we show on behalf of a detailed analysis of the life and work of prominent Pop-Icons that addiction mostly leads to psycho-social disintegration and destruction of creativity.


An interplay between cognitive coherence and incoherence, emotional stability and instability, order and chaos accompanies many creative processes. The interdisciplinary approach shows that psychopathology can motivate creative efforts. However, if expressed severely, mental disorders inhibit or even destroy creativity.
