Maastricht University
Nutrition and Movement Sciences
Patrick Schrauwen, PhD is Professor of Metabolic aspects of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus at the NUTRIM school for Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism. Dr. Schrauwen’s research focuses on the study of the relation between mitochondrial function and ectopic fat storage in muscle and liver and type 2 diabetes/insulin resistance. Dr. Schrauwen combines cellular and molecular biology techniques, state-of-the-art MRI/MRS technology (which are developed within the team) with human clinical intervention trails. Recently, he has been focussing on 24h metabolism in humans, among others showing that skeletal muscle mitochondrial function shows 24h rhythmicity in human volunteers. For his research, he was awarded among others the Corona Gallina Award for excellence in diabetes research in 2013 and the MINKOWSKI Award of the EASD in 2016. He is a board member of the European Association for the study of Diabetes and associate editor of ‘Obesity’. Dr. Schrauwen has published over 250 papers in international journals.

Presenter of 1 Presentation

Exercise and cardiovascular disease in 2022: When,who and how ?

Session Type
Workshop - Clinical disease
Mon, 23.05.2022
Session Time
11:00 - 12:30
Piero Avogaro - Yellow room
Lecture Time
11:15 - 11:30