Amsterdam UMC - Location AMC
Experimental Vascular Medicine
Jeffrey Kroon is a Principal Investigator and Assistant Professor at the department of Experimental Vascular Medicine, Amsterdam UMC in the Netherlands. His research line vascular metabolism and inflammation focuses on elucidating the role of the metabolic-inflammatory axis in driving cardiovascular disease. Currently, he and his team are working on mapping endothelial cell metabolic changes in response to atherogenic stimuli in both an in-vitro and human setting. One of his ambitions is to selectively target intracellular metabolism in order to combat cardiovascular disease.

Presenter of 1 Presentation

How does endothelial rewiring contribute to ASCVD?

Session Type
Young fellows
Wed, 25.05.2022
Session Time
11:00 - 12:30
Piero Avogaro - Yellow room
Lecture Time
11:00 - 11:20