Helle F. Jorgensen (United Kingdom)

University of Cambridge Medicine
Helle F Jørgensen's team studies regulation of vascular cell plasticity in health and disease. Her group has discovered unexpected functional and transcriptional heterogeneity among vascular smooth muscle cells and aims to identify the underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms. She is currently a Lecturer in Stem Cell and Developmental Biology within the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine at the University of Cambridge.

Author Of 2 Presentations

The role of smooth muscle cells in plaque stability (ID 1304)

Session Type
Vascular Biology
Session Time
10:30 - 12:00
Wed, 02.06.2021
Live Streamed
Lecture Time
10:48 - 11:03

O068 - Telomere damage promotes vascular smooth muscle cell senescence and immune cell recruitment after vessel injury (ID 194)

Session Type
Vascular Biology
Session Time
10:30 - 12:00
Wed, 02.06.2021
Live Streamed
Lecture Time
11:27 - 11:35


Background and Aims

Background and Aims: Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) accumulate in injury-induced neointimal lesions and atherosclerotic plaques in an oligoclonal fashion, yet plaque VSMCs show reduced proliferation and cell senescence. DNA damage leads to VSMC senescence and inflammation and VSMC senescence promotes atherosclerosis; however, the exact mechanism by which VSMC senescence promotes lesion formation is not known. Here, we investigated telomere damage-induced VSMC senescence, the contribution of senescence-induced inflammation and the mechanisms involved, the consequences of VSMC senescence in vivo after injury, and whether it promotes clonality.


Methods: Stress-induced premature senescence (SIPS) was induced by doxorubicin (24h treatment+21d recovery). Lentiviruses were used to stably overexpress a dysfunctional TRF2 mutant protein (TRF2T188A) in hVSMCs. SM22αTRF2T188A mice were generated that express human TRF2T188A in VSMCs only, and crossed with Myh11-CreERT2 Rosa26-Confetti multicolour reporter mice to examine cell senescence and clonality in vivo.


Results: Both SIPS and TRF2188A-induced VSMC senescence were characterised by persistent telomere damage, and associated with formation of micronuclei, activation of cGAS-STING cytoplasmic DNA sensing, and induction of multiple pro-inflammatory cytokines. Silencing of cGAS in TRF2T188A hVSMCs partially inhibited NFκB-dependent cytokine expression. In vivo, VSMC-specific TRF2T188A expression in a multicolour VSMC-tracking model demonstrated no change in VSMC clonal patches after injury, but increased neointima formation, outward remodelling, and immune/inflammatory cell infiltration or retention.


Conclusion: Persistent telomere damage promotes VSMC senescence and inflammation and exacerbates neointima formation after injury. Our data suggest that persistent telomere damage-induced VSMC senescence plays a major role in driving inflammation through immune cell recruitment in vascular disease.


Presenter of 1 Presentation

The role of smooth muscle cells in plaque stability (ID 1304)

Session Type
Vascular Biology
Session Time
10:30 - 12:00
Wed, 02.06.2021
Live Streamed
Lecture Time
10:48 - 11:03