University of Rome ‘Campus Biomedico’
Rheumatology and Immunology Unit, Department of Medicine

Moderator of 3 Sessions

Poster Viewing Walks

Session Type
Poster Sessions
Thu, 16.03.2023
Session Time
15:00 - 16:00
Poster Area
Session Description
Poster Viewing Walks will take place in the Poster Area and each group (T1 to T6) will walk from one poster to the next for each author to present their work. Presenters have 3-4 minutes for a presentation and 1-2 minutes for a Q&A with the audience. To view the scheduling please click here
Session Type
Thu, 16.03.2023
Session Time
17:10 - 18:10
Sala Londra
Session Description
The debate sessions at CORA 2023 are the heart of the Congress where scientists passionately defend their convictions on burning issues. Each of the two debaters has 15 minutes for their presentation followed by 5 minutes per speaker for a rebuttal and 15 minutes for a discussion and Q&A led by the chairperson.
Session Type
Fri, 17.03.2023
Session Time
15:05 - 16:05
Sala Londra
Session Description
The debate sessions at CORA 2023 are the heart of the Congress where scientists passionately defend their convictions on burning issues. Each of the two debaters has 15 minutes for their presentation followed by 5 minutes per speaker for a rebuttal and 15 minutes for a discussion and Q&A led by the chairperson.