N. Al-Sabai (Dalian, China)

Dalian Medical University

Author Of 1 Presentation

170P - Pattern and prognosis of fatal cardiac events in locoregional and distant stages in female breast cancer patients: SEER- based analysis



Breast cancer is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Some patients experience cardiac events, as a result of the cardiac impairments related to a number of antineoplastic modalities of treatment.


In the present study, we investigated the prognostic determinants of heart mortality in a cohort of patients with breast cancer, based on the US Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) registry, between 2007and 2015. We extracted 7969 patients who had experienced cardiac mortality (related or not to treatment).


Of all, 7300 patients had localized disease. Patients with advanced disease have poorer overall survival than patients with localized disease at cardiac death (overall survival 27 months vs 14 months, HR=1.30, CI=1.088-1.55). The multivariate model revealed that surgery or chemotherapy use were both associated with better survival in the overall population and in the cohort of interest of this study (HR= 1.47, CI=1.091-1.98; P = 0.01; HR= 1.65, CI=1.273-2.15, P= < 0.000). Of interest, radiotherapy had no impact. Further, only liver and brain metastatic sites were significantly associated with worse survival, and only in the group of patients with advanced disease (HR= 0.63, CI= 0.452-0.88, P= 0.005; HR= 0.79,CI=0.50-1.25,P= 0.008). The multivariate analysis confirmed that the presence of liver and brain metastasis was significantly associated with worse overall survival (HR= 0.63, CI= 0.452-0.88, P= 0.005; HR= 0.79, CI=0.502-1.257, P= 0.008).


In conclusion, we showed that the determinants of the outcome in women experiencing fatal heart events are not dissimilar to the established prognostic factor in breast cancer patients' overall population. However, research on the treatment-causative roles and the impact of tumor-related factors, like the metastatic spread pattern, is worthy of further research.

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The authors.


Has not received any funding.


All authors have declared no conflicts of interest.
