University of Virginia
Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism
Anne Wolf, MS, RD is the Director of the Virginia Center for Diabetes Prevention & Education at the University of Virginia and a Master Trainer for Lifestyle Coaches of the National Diabetes Prevention Program. Anne earned her Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Sciences from Cornell University and her Masters of Science from the Harvard School of Public Health. Anne has been involved in telehealth since 2008 when she worked with BMIQ, a secure platform the helps dietitians and medical practices optimize obesity care through using technology. She has been actively engaged within the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics including serving on the Telenutrition Evidence Analysis Library panel, speaking about telehealth at multiple national meetings and had developed two CME courses regarding online learning and telehealth for diabetes and diabetes prevention.

Presenter of 1 Presentation

Using Digital Technology for Diabetes Prevention Delivery and Engagement

Session Type
Parallel Session
Sat, 30.04.2022
Session Time
11:00 - 12:05
Hall 111
Lecture Time
11:20 - 11:40


Abstract Body

Using Digital Technology for Diabetes Prevention Delivery and Engagement

Despite medical and technological advances in diabetes care, the prevalence of diabetes continues to rise. It is becoming critically important to use technology not only to improve diabetes management but also for delivery and engagement in Lifestyle Change Programs for the prevention of type 2 diabetes. Based on the Diabetes Prevention Program and the DPPOS, intense lifestyle intervention aimed at weight loss decreased the incidence of type 2 diabetes by 58% at study’s end and had a long-lasting risk reduction of 25% by 22 years.

The National Diabetes Prevention Program (National DPP) in the United States is a widely available Lifestyle Change Program for people with prediabetes with the goal of 5% weight loss, improvement in food quality and quantity to promote weight loss and an increase in physical activity. Technology can improve access to the program, delivery, engagement, and effectiveness of the National DPP. This seminar will discuss how to use technology to deliver the National DPP, best practices around synchronous delivery and engagement, how asynchronous delivery can augment the program, and how digital technologies can support effectiveness.
