Tetiana Kiriazova, Ukrainian Institute on Public Health Policy

Ukrainian Institute on Public Health Policy
I lead the Ukrainian Institute on Public Health Policy and do research in HIV/AIDS and public health. My scientific interest is improving outcomes along HIV treatment cascade. I lead projects supported by NIH, USAID. I presented my research at the AIDS 2016 (oral) and 2018, and CPDD/NIDA meetings.

Presenter Of 1 Presentation


PED0786 - "I drink vodka or brandy, I am not a girl anymore": Alcohol use in older (50+ years) HIV-positive male and female patients in Ukraine

Session Name
E-posters Track D
Poster Channel - Track D

Presenter Of 1 Presentation


"I drink vodka or brandy, I am not a girl anymore": Alcohol use in older (50+ years) HIV-positive male and female patients in Ukraine

Session Name
E-posters Track D
Poster Channel - Track D