Weiming Tang, Dermatology Hospital, Southern Medical University Guangzhou, China

Dermatology Hospital, Southern Medical University Guangzhou, China
Dr. Weiming Tang is an assistant professor of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and the assistant director of University of North Carolina Project-China. His research is mainly focused on developing a different intervention to promote HIV testing among key populations.

Presenter Of 2 Presentations


PEC0584 - Financial incentive and peer referral in promoting digital social-network distribution of HIV self-testing among Chinese MSM: An intermediate analysis of a three-arm RCT

Session Name
E-posters Track C
Poster Channel - Track C

PEE1369 - Cost-effectiveness of HIV self-testing vs. facility-based HIV rapid-diagnostic testing supported by community-based organizations among men who have sex with men in China

Session Name
E-posters Track E
Poster Channel - Track E

Presenter Of 2 Presentations


Financial incentive and peer referral in promoting digital social-network distribution of HIV self-testing among Chinese MSM: An intermediate analysis of a three-arm RCT

Session Name
E-posters Track C
Poster Channel - Track C

Cost-effectiveness of HIV self-testing vs. facility-based HIV rapid-diagnostic testing supported by community-based organizations among men who have sex with men in China

Session Name
E-posters Track E
Poster Channel - Track E