Vincent Amulega, Mistry of Health Kenya

Mistry of Health Kenya
Holds an BSC. in Mathematics and an MSC. in Information Systems from the University of Nairobi. Currently a Data Manager with the Ministry of Health Kenya Division National Aids and STI Control Program

Presenter Of 2 Presentations


PEC0487 - Characterizing key populations sero-conversion rates: An assessment of prevention programs towards reducing HIV among key populations in Kenya

Session Name
E-posters Track C
Poster Channel - Track C

PEE1691 - Mainstreaming Key Populations program reporting system onto the National Health Reporting System (DHIS2) a Kenyan experience

Session Name
E-posters Track E
Poster Channel - Track E

Presenter Of 2 Presentations


Characterizing key populations sero-conversion rates: An assessment of prevention programs towards reducing HIV among key populations in Kenya

Session Name
E-posters Track C
Poster Channel - Track C

Mainstreaming Key Populations program reporting system onto the National Health Reporting System (DHIS2) a Kenyan experience

Session Name
E-posters Track E
Poster Channel - Track E