Temasek Life Sciences Lab
Developmental Biology
Ong Chin Tong obtained his bachelor in Cell and Molecular Biology from the National University of Singapore (NUS). He received his Ph.D. in Developmental Biology from Washington University in St Louis where he studied Notch transcriptional regulation under Raphael Kopan. He continued his postdoctoral training with Victor Corces at Emory University where he studied the gene regulation by 3D genome organization. He joined Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory as a Principal Investigator in Nov 2014 to study epigenetic regulation of aging and mechanisms underlying Alzheimer’s disease (AD). His lab is interested in the following research topics: (i) How changes in intron retention patterns are linked to AD and if it can be used as diagnostic readout to predict disease onset or monitor its progression. (ii) Epigenetic mechanisms that regulate neurogenesis and aging of neurons using long-term human neuronal culture. (iii) Screening for genes that control aging using Drosophila as a model system.