Imperial College London
Ageing Epidemiology Research Unit
I am an Assistant Professor (Lecturer) in the Epidemiology of Ageing at the Ageing Epidemiology Research Unit, Imperial college London. My research is focused on studying novel biological pathways leading to dementia by multi-modal analysis of genetic, fluid biomarker and neuroimaging data collected in large epidemiological studies. The aim is to reveal unidentified dementia subtypes and identification of early detection or therapeutic targets. My other line of research which I started as postdoctoral researcher at the UCL Department of Epidemiology and Public Health involves public health Markov modelling to forecast the future burden of dementia and disability at population level and estimating the impact of public health interventions on prevalence of these conditions. I hold an MD degree in Medicine from Tehran University and obtained MPhil and PhD degrees in Epidemiology from the University of Cambridge on a Gates Cambridge Scholarship and an honorary Krishnan-Ang Scholarship from Trinity College.