Jose F. Abisambra, United States of America

University of Florida Neuroscience and CTRND
Dr. Abisambra is an Associate Professor of Neuroscience and member of the Center for Translational Research in Neurodegenerative Disease at the University of Florida. He leads a vibrant research program focused on establishing the molecular mechanisms linking tau and cellular dysfunction in more than 20 neurodegenerative disorders. His program currently focuses on the direct and indirect impact of tau on RNA translation in models of Alzheimer’s disease, fronto-temporal dementia, and mild-repetitive traumatic brain injury. He obtained his PhD in Huntington Potter's Lab and his postdoc in Chad Dickey's Lab at the University of South Florida. In 2013, he opened his lab as an Assistant Prof. at the University of Kentucky and relocated in 2018 to UF as an Associate Professor, where he continues to focus on tau and translation. Over the years, his research has been and continues to be supported by NIH, DoD, VA, the Alzheimer's Association, and CurePSP foundation, among others, as PI and co-I. With this support, Dr. Abisambra’s lab seeks to bring us closer to understanding the molecular mechanisms of tauopathies, and in doing so, develop more effective therapeutic strategies to improve the quality of life of more than 30M individuals suffering from tauopathies worldwide.

Presenter of 2 Presentations


Session Name
Session Type
12.03.2021, Friday
Session Time
08:00 - 10:00
On Demand Symposia C
Lecture Time
08:30 - 08:45
Session Icon



A fundamental gap in the field is the incomplete identification of the mechanisms by which tau promotes cellular dysfunction. We and others established that pathological tau shifts the translatome yielding a maladaptive response. However, the molecular mechanisms remain unknown. The overall objective of this study is to establish these mechanisms by defining 1) the impact of pathological tau on translation, 2) the components of RNA translation machinery that interact with tau, 3) alterations to ribosomal transport, and 4) how tau shifts ribosomal specificity promoting a maladaptive translatome.


We used puromycin to detect changes in newly-synthesized (pumocyinylated) proteins in vitro and in vivo. We then coupled puromycin assays with proteomics or microarrays in the brains of rTg4510 tau transgenic mice to identify proteins altered by tauopathy. We validated results in Alzheimer’s brains using WB, RT-PCR, and E-CLIP. We measured changes in neuronal transport with novel RiboTag-IRES-tau constructs. We also defined the region of tau-ribosome interface region. Finally, we measured changes in translation dynamics with RiboSeq.


We determined that tau expression differentially shifts the transcriptome and the proteome and that the synthesis of ribosomal proteins is reversibly dependent on tau levels. One protein altered by tauopathy is ribosomal protein S6. Ribosomal abnormalities were also identified in Alzheimer’s samples.


Our data establish tau as a driver of RNA translation selectivity. Moreover, considering that regulation of protein synthesis is critical to learning and memory, aberrant tau-RNA/RBPs interactions in disease could explain the linkage between virtually every tauopathy and cognitive impairment and memory decline.
