Liesbeth V. Jagt (Netherlands)

NHG, Dutch College of General Practitioners Nascholing
Social scientist and senior staff member of the Dutch College for General practitioners. Domains of expertise are medical leadership, professional behaviour, communication and education. As head of the eduactioal course for (family) doctors at UMC Utrecht I train doctors in counseling, coaching, supervision and intervision. Publications and lectures about doctor-patient communication, work-life balance, vitality, burn out prevention, professional development, teamstrategy and conflictmanagement in health care teams. Member of the Host Organizing Committee of WONCA Europe 2021.

Moderator of 1 Session

Session Type
09.07.2021, Friday
Session Time
06:00 PM - 07:30 PM
Hall 1
Session Description
In this research masterclass, you are invited to discuss strengths and weaknesses of various research methods for understanding professional health. The masterclass includes presentations on qualitative and quantitative studies in different countries on a wide array of topics, such as: - job satisfaction of general practitioners - educational interventions for the development of professional skills - lifestyles of physicians - COVID-19 and wellbeing of general practitioners. These and other relevant aspects of professional health will be presented by leading researchers in their respective fields, and discussed with the audience. After hearing all about the latest scientific insights, there will be ample opportunity to ask your questions or make comments to the presenters during the session’s interactive section.
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