Marta Navarro Gonzalez (Spain)

CAPSBE Family medicine

Author Of 1 Presentation


07.07.2021, Wednesday
Session Time
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Hall 5
Lecture Time
11:14 AM - 11:25 AM
Session Icon
Pre-Recorded with Live Q&A


Abstract Body


Delaying frailty has important benefits in the elderly. Some studies show the effectivity of a multifactorial intervention in the fragile and pre-fragile elders, but only a few assess their long-term effectivity.

Frailty and its consequences have shown an increase in the usage of sanitary resources, resulting in higher costs.

Aim and learning objectives:

To evaluate the persistence, 36 months after, of the effects of a multifactorial community intervention in pre-fragile elders, using the available resources in primary care, as well as analysing the sanitary resources used and their costs.

Methods and timetable:

Randomized clinical trial in a Barcelona primary healthcare centre. We included 200 community-dwelling subjects aged ≥ 80 years meeting Fried pre-frailty criteria. Participants were randomized to intervention(IG) and control groups(CG). Follow-up was done after 24 and 36 months.

A socioeconomic analysis and evaluation of CRG were done.

(Proposed) Results / Conclusions:

135(67,5%) were evaluated, mean age 88,5 years and 64,4% women. At 36 months, fragile patients were higher in CG (22,1% IG vs 32,8% CG).

In CG there’s a greater percentage of fragile patients(32,8%), after 36 months, without an increment in robust patients(1,5%). However, in IG robust patients at 12 months(14,7%) stay the same at 36 months and transition to fragile is much lower(22,1% IG vs 32,8% CG).

Sanitary costs during follow-up time was 3.110,00€ in CG and 2679,00€ in IG(p=0,554). Complexity in CG shows 5,8% and IG 6%, p=0,438.

An interdisciplinar multifactorial intervention realized by primary care professionals prevents development of frailty in pre-fragile elders and is sustainable. No significative difference in average costs neither CRG.
