Invited Presentations Invited Abstracts

PS07.01 - Spinal Cord Imaging

  • O. Ciccarelli
  • O. Ciccarelli
Presentation Number
Presentation Topic
Invited Presentations
Lecture Time
12:45 - 13:00



Spinal cord imaging

Recent radiological advances in spinal cord imaging include: (1) Recommendations on standardised protocols for diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring of MS patients (2020 MAGNIMS-CMSC-NAIMS international consensus guidelines); (2) Recommendations on using spinal cord atrophy in clinical trials and clinical practice (2020 MAGNIMS consensus recommendations); (3) Development of registration-based methods, such as the generalized boundary shift integral (GBSI), to assess spinal cord atrophy, which show advantages when compared with segmentation-based methods; (4) Advanced, quantitative MRI and multi-modal imaging to assess spinal cord microstructural damage in MS; (5) Imaging assessment of the whole neuraxis (both spinal cord and brain) in order to understand the pathological changes that explain disability in MS.
