Online Abstracts Clinical Sciences - Disease Burden in Infants, Children/Youth, and Adults B2 Disease Burden in Infants, Children/Youth, and Adults



Although invasive pneumococcal disease(IPD) in adults is associated with significant morbidity and mortality, data are yet scarce in low- and middle-income countries. We aimed to characterize clinical outcomes of adults ≥18 years with IPD in Colombia


A descriptive, observational, and retrospective chart review study was conducted in 5 tertiary hospitals in Bogotá(Colombia) in adults ≥18y with IPD between 2011-2017. Data on demographics, clinical characteristics and serotypes were collected. The main variables analyzed were clinical presentation, length of stay(LOS), UCI admission, case-fatality rate(CFR) and serotype(ST) distribution.


169 cases were included, 48.5%were female and the median age was 58y(IQR:45–70). The main clinical presentation was bacteremic pneumonia (63.3%), followed by bacteremia (19.5%), meningitis (13.6%) and others (3.1%). The median LOS was 12days(IQR:4-20), 58.6% were admitted to UCI(median 5days(IQR:2–13.3)). 53.3% required mechanical ventilation and 50.9% inotropic support. Among 114 cases which had serotyping data, most frequent ST were: 3(11.4%), 14(9.6%), 19A(8.8%), 6C(6.1%), and 6A(5.3%). Table 1 shows CFR per age group, clinical presentation, and main ST.

tabla 1. case-fatality rate in adults with invasive pneumococcal disease in five healthcare.png


IPD was associated with high mortality and UCI admission. Although most cases of deaths were due to pneumonia, higher CFR were seen in adults ≥60y, in bacteremia/meningitis presentations, and ST 3 and 6C.
