
P227 - Use of a Femoral Offset Guide Provides Accurate and Precise Placement of Femoral Tunnel in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

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The purpose of this study was to compare the accuracy and precision of the femoral tunnel placement with an offset guide in performing a single-bundle ACL reconstruction through the Anteromedial (AM) portal between expert and novice surgeons.

Methods and Materials

Twenty-five single-bundle ACL reconstructions performed by a novice surgeon were matched with 25 of those by an expert surgeon, following one-to-one propensity score matching. The same technique was used in both groups for femoral tunnel placement with the use of a 7 mm offset guide through the AM portal. Using the Bernard and Hertel grid method on postoperative 3-dimensional reconstructed computed tomography, the accuracies and precisions of the various tunnel positions were compared.


There were no differences found between the proximal-distal and anterior-posterior femoral tunnel placements between the two groups (proximal-distal; 30.5% in expert and 32.5% in novice, p = 0.095) (anterior-posterior; 32.6% in expert and 31.6% in novice, p = 0.410). The accuracies of the femoral tunnel positions, using the average distance from the tunnel center to the center of ACL direct insertion were similar between the two groups (p > 0.05). There were no differences found between the precisions of the femoral tunnel positions between the groups (p > 0.05).


Novice surgeons can have accuracy and precision similar to those of an expert in making femoral tunnels by using a femoral offset guide in single-bundle ACL reconstruction through the AM portal. We recommend the use of a femoral offset guide in the practice of ACL reconstruction during the learning period of a novice surgeon for tunnel placement in order to reduce the learning curve required to perform an accurate and reproducible ACL reconstruction.
