Animal Models

P015 - Unicondylar Reconstruction Using an Aragonite Scaffold in a Caprine Model

Corresponding Author
E. Kon, Humanitas U, Italy, Consultant, K. Zaslav, US, Consultant, F. De Caro, Italy, Other-none, B. Di Matteo, Italy, other-none, M. Drobnic, Slovenia, Other-none, J. Shani, Israel, Other-none, D. Robinson, CartiHeal, Employee, Other-none, N. Altschul
Presentation Topic
Animal Models
Poster Rating



This study was conducted in order to assess the feasibility of unicondylar reconstruction using an aragonite-based scaffold in a caprine model.

Methods and Materials

A single, large, oval-shaped, hemicondylar Agili-C scaffold was implanted in the right, medial femoral condyle (MFC) of six healthy, 60kg, mature, female, non-pregnant and non-lactating Saanen goats. The group was studied for 12 months after implantation. Follow-up involved clinical evaluation, X-ray imaging, macroscopic evaluation, micro-CT, GLP histology and immunohistochemistry evaluation. The results were compared to 7 goats that received a smaller, cylindrical- shaped Agili-C implant, in the medial femoral condyle (Figure 1).abstract 5 - figure 1.jpg


Macroscopic evaluation showed that the hemicondylar scaffold performed similarly to the cylindrical one, as represented by an average total score of both ICRS (with respective values of 10±1.5 vs 11.4 ± 0.8, Figure 2a) and modified Fortier et al. (with respective values of 12±2.0 vs 13.7±1.1, Figure 2b) assessments. Histological analysis indicated formation of hyaline cartilage and normal appearing subchondral bone (Figure 2).

abstract 5 - figure 2.jpg


This study supports that large Agili-C hemicondylar scaffolds are effective in reconstructing the condyle in a caprine model. The large scaffold was capable of overall reconstruction encompassing a large lesion of the femoral condyle in a similar fashion to the currently employed small cylindrical Agili-C implants. It may be concluded that aragonite-based scaffolds are able to repair much larger osteochondral defects than those presently treated with regenerative medicine.
