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Dr Abu Bakar is a paediatric specialist currently pursuing fellowship in the field of paediatric infectious diseases and immunology. Upon completion of his degree, he has worked in several NHS hospitals pursuing paediatric training and obtaining membership to the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health in the process. Currently he is working at the International Islamic University of Malaysia as a clinician and lecturer. He has authored and co-authored publications in the field of paediatrics, infectious diseases and health education. He has an interest in perinatal and congenital infections and the research questions around these often complex conditions. Outside clinical work, he performs advisory and advocacy roles in the field of maternal and newborn health through Mama Net, a parent-centered health education company. He is a keen advocator of digital health and its utilization to improve service delivery and efficiency. He is a founder of Project Oracle, a prototype health app designed to assist parents in detecting symptoms early to avoid delay in receiving appropriate care. Medicine aside, he navigates life through staying active in running and playing golf while parenting 4 handful kids. Rather unfortunately, he is a Manchester United fan.